The Night of the Werewolf

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 In the year of 1893, London's crime rate had increased over the last few years. A man named Walter King was a victim of some of these crimes that were committed in London. When he was walking through an alley, he was mugged by a group of criminals. Beaten and almost dead, a voice was heard. "Walter King, a man with a bad life, and no one to love him."
"Who are you?" "I have been called many names in my life, but you may call me Azeroth.
"How can you help me?" "I am a magician boy, I can do anything to help you." "But why do you want to help me?" "I used to be like you, a man who had no one. Once I became a magician I had everything."
Azeroth took Walter to his house to heal his wounds. "Thank you, but how can you help me? Are you going to use your magic to give me a better life?" "No, that is not how Dark Magic works." "Wait, you use Dark Magic. I heard that's a bad type of magic to use." "I have been trained to control the magic. There is no need to worry." Azeroth set up for the spell to help Walter.
Speaking in words only magicians use, Azeroth castes the spell, causing mist to appear. Walter started to scream in agony as the mist consumed him. The moon appeared in the sky and shined its light through the window. As the mist cleared, a creature appeared. "At last, I have summoned the spirit of the Werewolf."
Come my pet, we have so much work to do." Azeroth said with an evil grin. The monster started to growl at Azeroth and set itself up for a pounce. "What are you doing? You listen to me!" The creature pounced at Azeroth and consumed him, making him the first victim of the Werewolf in years. The creature used its acrobatics to get out of Azeroth's house to find its next meal.

"It is a lovely night for a walk for our anniversary, isn't it dear?" A man said as he walked with his wife next to him "Indeed, and the full moon is looking beautiful tonight." The wife said.
They were beginning to hear growling as they walked by an alley. "What was that?" The woman asked as the growling grew louder. "I don't know, but it is making me concerned."
As they looked in the alley, the creature appeared out of the darkness, revealing itself. "Run my dear, I will hold it off," the man said as he drew his gun. After firing at the creature, the man realized it did nothing to it. "Get away from here, Julia. If I die protecting you, so be it." "No Alfred, if we die, we die together."
Then police officers appeared and saved the couple. They tried to tackle the creature, but it overpowered them and consumed them. A man with a camera appeared, taking pictures of the creature.
But the Werewolf saw the man taking pictures and ate him. The creature started to climb a building with its claws to get on the roof. It howled to the moon as the light shined on the creature.
The moon fell and day had risen, turning the Werewolf back into Walter King. "What happened, and why am I on a rooftop. I'm covered in blood, that old fiend did something to me, and I intend to find out why. But first I must figure out how to get down from this roof."

  A crime scene was set up from the attack of the monster. "What could have done this?" A police officer asked as he looked at the bodies of the police officers. "I believe I can figure that out." A voice said from behind the officer. "If it isn't Sherlock Holmes, the world's greatest detective." "Yes, and with my assistant Dr. Watson." "I will leave this case to the two of you." The officer said as he walked away. "Can you figure out who and what did this, Holmes?"
Watson asked as Holmes analyzed the bodies. "I believe a monster that was created by a magician in the arts of dark magic did this."
"Is there a magician that studies in dark magic by the name of Azeroth in this town?" "Why yes, Watson. And I believe I know where to find him." Sherlock and Watson went to the house of Azeroth.
They entered the house and saw what was left of his body. "Just as I suspected," Sherlock said as he inspected the body, "Azeroth made the Werewolf to be a pet for him, but the creature betrayed him."
"How can we figure out who became the creature?" Watson asked. "I believe this might give us a clue," Sherlock said as he showed a piece of clothing to Watson, "All we need to do is ask somebody who these clothes belong to."

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