A Guide Before Reading

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For old readers:
DUN DUN You thought it was a chapter update, didn't you? Just kidding. You probably won't think about it much.

For New Readers:

Hello! My I'm Yukii or Luna (Whichever works for you). As you know, I am the writer of this one-shot series and it seems I need to put a reminder or um a warning? (No, that sounds too severe). Well, you get the point!

Regarding my Early Chapters ("Deceiving and Teasing" and earlier)

I have heard from comments, and I have reread my earlier chapters as well. Oh gosh, I cringed hard hahaha. Fyi, it's made back in 2018 - 2019. I was so new to writing fanfics and I didn't know how to write a proper plot. I even made all the characters (Yes, not just Karma and Rio) OOC and appear weak in character.

In my latest works, I decided to leave all the drama-type stories. I now lean more to fluffs (Domestic/Family fluff especially) and comedy because it's much more fun and simple for me to write. I love Karma and Rio for their fun dynamic together outside of the on-screen prodigy duo. The taunting and teasing between them are so fun to write. That is a reason why I haven't stopped writing them yet despite leaving the fandom around 2 years ago. The fandom at that time was so toxic. Everywhere I go there would be ship wars or "WhO iS ThE StRoNgeSt ChArAcTer?" which ended up in a mocking debate. Ayee, no thanks.

To be honest, I did plan on editing my earlier works or maybe archiving them, but I thought its something that I should keep no matter how cringe it is. It's my first fanfic works after all. So I WON'T be editing any of it.


As the writer, I suggest to not read chapters up to "Deceiving and Teasing". They're my earlier works and I can say they are bad and OOC. But if you're up to it, go ahead.

Closing Statement

Anyhow, thank you to those who have read since the beginning, in the middle, or those who just stopped by. I didn't think lots would read my stories. The first chapter (Yes the oh-so-edgy one) is a sudden chapter written based on the song I was listening to back then. I never intended to keep going but here we are.

Thank you for your support and comments. See you in the next update!

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