Chapter 11

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As I lay down on the bed, next to Rose, I lay back into the sheets and I look directly up... through a clear sky light in the ceiling... the red rain has been washed away, and now I can see the red blood moon directly above my head. Clouds surround it. The Krypt, floating, directly below it.

It was the only floating building, this sky scraper – as tall as the Sky Breaker in Eleyrion.

I feel myself sink further into the sheets, while I am entranced by the beauty of the moon, the sky... the enormous amount of strange freedom, splitting through my mind... limitless... limitless potential... like nothing can die.

I remember my home...

"Eleyrion," I whisper, a little randomly, the paradise is in my mind. Was. Still is.


Rose's soft voice pipes up, her hand touching my cheek gently, trying to get my attention after I zoned out.

"Helena...?" a low, warning growl, far away, from Lyrian himself, even though he is so close, watching over the bed.

But my mind is held captive by the moon.

My thoughts flow more easy, as I allow them too, without fear.

...Llyrian... this world... and Eleyrion... my world... they were so close together. As I'm staring up at that static moon, with no phase but that one, the full moon... something more unlocks inside me.

I inhale a deep breath as feelings breathe straight through me, every cell of me. I feel everything, every possible feeling, all at once! I am exhausted, starved, dehydrated – yet totally fine, energised, joyous, completely high... utterly low... it's as the blood moon rays turn to silver moon rays, sparkling into my eyes, that I come to a startling realisation.

I have self control.

Literally all parts of me.

No, no... not just my feelings... but everything else too. Like what I can see and comprehend. The things around me... the strange things around me.

I'm lucid. Like when you're asleep and you realise it's a dream.

I focus on the ceiling. I imagine the sky light shattering into a billion pieces, the shards raining down on me.

The moon stops glowing red once again.

As the glass sprinkles down around me, the moon glows a silver-white.

I even start to levitate a few inches off the sheets.

I'm starting to smile – when claws wrap around my ankle and pull me back down.

"Helena," Lyrian has used his presence, to pull me back. Not just his claws.

I abruptly sit up on the bed, surrounded by tiny shards of glass.

Rose is staying completely still, scared of cutting herself.

"How did you do that, bitch?" Orphis asks me, a 9ft demon, looking stunned and almost spell-bound.

I look from Orphis, to Rose's wide but excited eyes, and then to Lyrian.

"Imber," I say his name, without fear, and maybe with a little bit of less respect than before, as I realise more now about his world, "Do you remember where you come from?" I ask. He stares at me, with that easy fury in his eyes, but it doesn't faze me, "Imber," I say his name again, "Our worlds are polar opposites, but one thing is exactly the same... isn't it... we're all asleep," as I say this with finality, Lyrian let's go of my ankle and stands up tall, to share a knowing look with his brother.

Lycan Soulmates #2: LYCAN DYSTOPIA: LLYRIAN [18+]Where stories live. Discover now