Chapter 7: The First Kiss

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-ADELAINES POV- After the whole sob thing, me and Matt head to the movie theater. I do my makeup in the bathroom there even though he insists i am "beautiful without it and dont need it". We buy snacks and of course, he beats me to paying. I really wish he'd let me pay. We go into the movies and luckily, my makeup took up the time during all the previews so the movie starts. I kept jumping and screaming here and there. A really scary pop up occuredd and I flew into Matts arm. I slowly look at him and hes there smiling and trying hard not to laugh. I try looking away from him but we're in such deep eye contact I cant pull away from. I feel myself slowly leaning in and before i know it we're kissing. Whoa. We pull away and just smile at eachother. He puts his arm around me and we continue watching. Once it ends, we head out. Adelaine: Never again am I using skype that was terrible *laughs* Matt laughs with me. Matt: Youre cute when youre scared. I feel myself blushing and cant stop smiling. Can he not be so perfect??¿? Adelaine: Next time we go to the movies IM picking the movie. Matt: We should just watch another one now to burn up time. Adelaine: Trueee.. I PICK THE MOVIE THIS TIME Matt: *laughs* Okay fine.. I smile. Yess. Im so making him watch The Longest Ride. Matt: But.... Adelaine: Oh come on "but"?¿ I make a pouty face. Matt: Under one condition... He walks closer to me. Adelaine: ...which is..? Matt: You go on a date with me tonight?¿ He speaks nervously as if i would say no. Adelaine: Yes *smiles* I see his face lughten up like a kid on christmas day. Adelaine: Under. one. condition. I see his smile slowly fade. Adelaine: You let ME pay for the candy this time. Matt: Ughh fine, only because i really want this date to happen. We both smile at eachother and head over to buy candy and i finally pay.

A Mattelaine Fanfiction: I love you.Where stories live. Discover now