Prologue|『𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 16』𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫

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Chapter 16

~The cries of despair~

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~The cries of despair~

Boom boom boom... Guns could be heard from where Aurora and Amelia left the men in the SUV. The women were running up the mountain to reach the castle-like werehouse on the top. As Aurora heard the gunshots, she froze mid-step. Her heart rate increased as flashes of thoughts of that man's blood around the black car came to mind. She felt a pang of hopelessness looking back at the scene. Amelia and she were already pretty far up the mountain and Aurora knew that she'd be too late to go there now, it'd only get them caught.

As Aurora's mind sprinted through highways of bloody thoughts, Amelia smiled sadly, as if she knew what Aurora was thinking. "He will be fine, Aurora. You said it yourself, he is the Italian Don after all." Amelia spoke up, taking Aurora out of her trance, an angry expression coloring her features. "I don't give a damn about your husband, Amelia." That was the only thing she said before starting running with the older woman up the mountain.

A few minutes later, the women had already reached the top side of the mountain, hiding in the shadows, Aurora guided Amelia through the piles of bloodied bodies from the explosion. Buildings were burning up and the plants around them were already dark brown. "You need to find these two sluts, or our lives won't be spared, do you understand?" A male low voice sounded from the double-wide oak wooden doors, and two pairs of steps sounded from the women's side. Aurora looked at Amelia, signaling her to hide behind the side wall. "What did they say?"

"They informed us that the Italian Don is in our territory, so we send people to kill him and his brothers." The older man was raging with the news he was hearing. "Idiots! The Italian Don, along with his brothers are in our territory?! Shit! Who told you to do such a stupid thing? They're going to burn us all because of you! If our Don hasn't already tortured you to death!" "I didn't know!"

"Shut up! We need to find the wife, she's our only way out of this, we have her in our hands, even if she doesn't want to, she has to get along with us, or else her secret would be exposed." A few seconds passed and the men were gone. Aurora turned around to watch Amelia's face, which had now turned pale.

"What is it that they have on you, Amelia?" Aurora questioned, standing up, slowly gazing at the mansion's doors. "I- I need to get in there. There is a document that's not supposed to be read by Ares." Amelia confessed, Aurora didn't ask any questions, she just went along with the plan. "Follow closely, when we get where we need to be, you get the thing and we leave this place to burn, si?"

"I'm not Italian you know." Amelia said with a smile. "I know, I just like the language." Aurora smirked and stepped stealthily around the castle-like building's pavement. She rushed towards the double wooden doors and leaned in, reloading her guns. "There will be more guards in there." Aurora started, adding a silencer to each of her guns. "You have your guns with you?" Amelia nodded at Aurora's question before Aurora placed a leg between the door folds. After a second, she pushed her shoulder on the door, making the oak wood screech on the ground. Heads snapped in the door's direction, but before the guards could pull their triggers, Aurora had already done the job. She crouched down, and glanced up, shooting the far-end guards first, then going for the middle ones.

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