M ·never there·

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- reuqest from @obsessedwithhotmfs tyy-

-matt pov-

Y/N and I have been dating for about a year now and everything was going great. Was.

She's almost never there. We never hang out anymore, she doesn't answer my calls, I don't have her location and she's not telling me where she's going either. 

Its been going on for 2 months now.

She's always talking to the dude named Jimmy. Not my dad a different dude. That's weird.

I think she might be cheating on me but she's not like that. 

She's been cheated on before so she knows how it feels to the point where she won't do it to someone else.

I wanna confront her about it but shes about to leave, again.

"Babe, can we talk?" I ask her as I sit on my bed watching her get ready for a so-called 'girls night out'.

"Um babe I need to go in like 5 minutes I'm late" She says.

"Babe we never talk our hangout anymore" I say raising my voice.

"Bye babe" She says as she kisses my cheeks and heads downstairs before leaving the house.

"Oh my fucking gosh bro" I say to myself. Before heading downstairs.

"Guys do any of you guys know where Y/N went?" I ask as I see my brothers in the kitchen.

"Nope" Chris says.

"How about you Nick? She tells you everything" I ask.

"Maybe ask her boyfriend" Nick says as they laugh.

"No guys it's not funny, she's never ever here, she's always gone late at night and she's talking to other guys" I say as they drop their smiles.

"Is she cheating?" Chris asks me.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out" I say before yawning.

"Im confronting her tomorrow" I say.

"Good luck" Nick says.

"I gotta sleep to take my mind off this shit" I say before heading upstairs to my bed and drifting off to sleep.

-the next day-

"Ok she's coming over" I say looking at my phone and texting Y/N to come.

"Are you ready to talk to her tho?" Chris asks me.

"Yeah" I say quietly.

"Are you mentally prepared?" Nick asks me as I nod zoning out.

-10 minutes later-

I hear a knock on the door as I get up and go to open the door.

"Hey Matt" She says with a smile.

"I need to talk to you about something" I say as she comes in.

"Oh me too" She says as we go to my room.

"Well let me go first" I say slamming the door behind me after we entered my room as it makes her jump.

"Why are you never here?" I ask her.

"Matt I can explain-" She says as I cut her off.

"No, you cant. You are never here, you're always gone late at night, you're talking to this lowlife named Jimmy and your location is always off" I say raising my voice.

"Matt I can explain" She says getting up.

"Ok then explain" I say getting angry.

"I got you a car" I say.

"What?" I say confused.

"You know the G- Wagon you wanted like forever?" She asks me.

"Yeah, but what does this have to do with anything? Why are you always away?" I ask her.

"I worked night shifts and morning shifts to get extra cash" She says.

"And the off location on your phone?" I say.

"I didn't want you to know where I was" She says.

"And Jimmy?" I ask her.

"That's the manager of the place I worked at. I had to kinda fight for the double shifts" I say.

"So your not cheating?" I say.

"No why would I?" She says as I begin to smile.

"And I hit the lottery a lot of money" She says.

"Why did you do this for me?" I ask her.

"You helped out of my darkest place, now I get to repay you" She says.

"You got me my dream car?" I say yelling.

"Yeah it's right outside" She says reaching for her pocket.

"Your lying" I say as she hands me the keys.

"Go see come on" She says.

"Awwe I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you" I say happily as we make out way outside.

"AAHHH" I yell as I hope in the car.

"It's so shiny and nice and BLACK the one I wanted" I say in the car.

"Do you like it?" She asks me.

"I LOVE ITT" I say as I hit myself. 

(like he did in the fanfic video after Chris was jutting his lip)

"I love you so much" I say as I kiss her.

"Drive it come on" She says as I start the carr.

"Oh my gosh the van must be so jealous right now because this is the love of my LIFE" I say as Y/N looks at me.

"You of course" I say kissing her cheek as e drive around and listen to music.


Authors note: Im so sorry requests arent open. I have like 12 to do and it's a lot for me but ill let you guys know when they're open. Won't take so long. Im so sorry. Anybody who requested before this imagine will get their story. I might post more in a day if it helps :)

Love you guys  <333


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