Scratch the Ghost Blob (chapter 10: The Blob and Molly Mcgee)

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Libby and Darryl wanted to discuss a plan to escape the complex; but with the bad guys checking on them for what felt like every second, it made it difficult for them. They had no idea however, that a rescue party was already headed their way. The twin baddies were getting the vitamin vac ready for Scratch whenever they lured him in, when suddenly, "CRASH!" the wall on the far side of the room exploded! Sending bits and pieces of it into the room, crashing on the floor, just barely missing the twin bad guys. The crash caused Darryl and Libby to pop up from their 'nap', if there was any sleep left in them, it was gone now. The two friends looked in the direction of where they heard the crash. The stronger-looking twin jumped back as debris flew at him and his brother, who took cover under a thick metal pipe. As the last bits of debris tumbled to the ground, all was quiet again. Dust from the crash still thickened the air, as well as the massive hole in the wall. The stronger bad guy, huddled on the floor in fear, brought himself back up and dusted himself off as if that didn't even happen. The lankier twin got out from his hiding place. Suddenly, the bad guys happened to turn towards the kids, and saw that they were awake! Libby and Darryl looked at each other nervously, they weren't sure what was going to happen to them next! That is until a familiar glow began to fill in the space where the wall was supposed to be. Libby and Darryl exchanged glances, hoping that the glow was coming from the same thing that they were hoping it was! The bad guys looked at the two kids, wondering what they were looking at. Just out of curiosity, the lankier twin turned around and looked at the empty space in the wall. His eyes widened at the sight of the sky-blue light, glowing faintly in the space filling the wall. Just then, a massive, slimy blue hand clutched the side of the wall! The aging bricks crumbled and cracked under its weight. Libby and Darryl knew instantly who it was now! "Scratch!" the two kids exclaimed happily. The twin baddies spun around at the sound of the kids' voices. Larry stared at the kids, then back at his brother as a memory from earlier that morning snagged his attention. The memory kicked his nerves into full throttle. "Uh, Garry?" Garry glanced at his brother but returned his glance back to the kids in case they tried any funny business. "Didn't the kids refer to the ghost blob as 'Scratch'?" Garry's eyes darted back to Larry in shock. The two bad guys turned themselves around only to be met with glowing, yellow eyes! As the dust finally cleared, the figure glowing in sky-blue finally showed himself. His slimy, ectoplasmic body sloshed through the hole he made in the wall. His widening grin bared sharp, apple-green teeth. There was no doubt who blew up the wall...It was the ghost blob! "IT'S THE GHOST BLOB!" The twins shouted at the same time, "AAAAHHHH!!!" they shrieked as they sprinted for cover. Molly Mcgee proudly stood where Scratch's shoulder currently was. The grin on Molly's face oozed with mischief in a way that'd make Scratch proud. With one hand, she gripped onto the side of her friend tightly, and she pointed towards the bad twins with her other hand. "GET 'EM, SCRATCH!" Molly cheered. Scratch, the ghost blob, gave chase! "BOOOOO!" he threatened spookily. As Scratch was about to pass by Darryl and Libby, Scratch and Molly moved onto the first phase of their plan: the rescuing. Using his powers, Scratch floated Molly down to her human friends as he passed them by to chase the bad guys down. Molly ran up to Libby and Darryl, who were staring up at Scratch in a mix of awe and shock. "Molly!" Darryl exclaimed once he actually noticed Molly coming to untie him. She tried to undo the knot, but it must have been done by some super-Wilder scout, cause the poor girl couldn't for the life of her undo the knot! "Molly!" Darryl grabbed Molly's attention, "My pocket-knife is in my left sock!" Molly's nose wrinkled up at the word 'sock'. She dashed around Darryl and quickly reached into Darryl's sock, prying the pocket-knife out as fast as it was possible. Libby looked at Darryl questionably, "You keep your pocket-knife in your sock?" she asked. Darryl shrugged his shoulders and grinned, "The smell from my socks alone is enough to keep the bad guys from looking in there for any weapons! It's the only way to ensure that they don't take it! And they didn't!" Molly switched the settings until she found the blade that she wanted. Then, she began to slice at the rope, "You know," Molly admitted, "Sometimes I almost appreciate how gross you are!" the three friends chuckled while Scratch continued to swipe his hand at the bad guys. Libby looked over at Scratch, who chased the bad guys, noticeably going easy on them and 'missing' them. Libby's eyes squinted at Scratch, taking notice that he wasn't floating-but rather, sliding-across the floor! She also noticed that Scratch had a decent amount of ectoplasm dripping from his body into a slimy sort of puddle that followed the ghost around. "Uh," Libby said, shaking her head vigorously in case she still had some sleepiness in her, "Is it just me, or did Scratch get bigger?" Libby looked at Molly for an answer, "Oh, it's not you, Libby!" Molly answered as she finally managed to cut Darryl free of his bonds. The ropes dropped to the floor and Darryl rose from his seat the moment he was no longer bound to the chair. "YES!" Darryl exclaimed, thrusting his fists into the air. "Scratch is bigger!" Those three little words instantly cut Darryl off from his joyous session. "I mean, he should be, what with all the food we found here!" Molly finished as if it wasn't a big deal. Libby thrashed in her seat and stayed still only when Molly came to cut her free. "You let him EAT!?" Libby shrieked. "Who are you? And what have you done with my sister?" Darryl questioned proudly. He had no idea where this mischievous Molly Mcgee came from, but he wasn't about to complain about it! Molly didn't answer as she kept cutting away at Libby's ropes that holding her down on the chair. With a slight bit more experience with the blade, Molly cut Libby free alot faster than she had cut Darryl free. Free from her bondage, Libby got up and gently rubbed her wrists where the ropes were. She turned around and stared sternly at Molly. "I thought we were supposed to keep him from growing! Not turn him into a kaiju!" Molly held up her hands and kept a cool expression as she tried to explain, "It's okay!" Molly assured, "it's all part of the plan! We overheard that Mr. Carbine and his bad guy twins are gonna try to capture Scratch! In that!" Molly pointed at the very large test tube. The others turned towards it before looking back at Molly, "Yeah, we overheard too," Darryl explained, "They'd trap Scratch and keep him there until they find a way to get their vitamin specimens out!" "That!" Molly proclaimed with her pointer finger in the air, "Is why I've been feeding Scratch! If his ectoplasm is too much for the vitamin vac-that's that thing! -" Molly pointed back at the vitamin vac, "-it'll break! Completely destroying the bad guys' plan!" The bad guy twins were giving off another scream, "AHHHH!!" as they passed by, with Scratch right on their tail. "YOU BETTER RUN FASTER! I'M GOING TO GET YOUUU!"  Scratch taunted demonically. Molly chuckled as she watched the bad guys run in fear, "Go get 'em, bestie!" Molly cheered. Darryl laughed as he watched the terror in the twins' eyes as they ran for their lives. Even Libby found herself smiling somewhat, watching her captors run away. Once Scratch and the bad guys were far enough away, the three of them could talk without having to shout over all the screaming. Libby turned to Molly and asked, "So, what's the next phase of your plan, Molly?" "We're kinda still in phase one!" Molly corrected, "Aw man!" said an annoyed Darryl, "So what is phase one?" "The rescue!" Molly proclaimed dramatically as she raised her hand in the air and paused for dramatic effect. "We've saved you guys," Molly said, placing her hands on Libby and Darryl's shoulders, "Now, we've gotta save Mr. Case!" Libby scratched her neck sheepishly, "We might have a problem with that..." Molly bit her lip, "Please know where he is...Please know where he-" "We don't know where he is," Libby said, cutting off Molly's thoughts. Molly huffed, "Corn!" Molly tried to think of ways she could find Mr. Case, when Darryl snapped her out of her thoughts. "He must have been taken into another room for interrogation!" Darryl offered his opinion, "It's a classic bad guy move!" Just then, Molly had an idea! "SCRATCH!" Molly called. Scratch looked Molly's way as he kept chasing the baddies, "WE THINK MR. CASE WAS TAKEN FOR AN INTERROGATION!" Molly had to yell at the top of her lungs so that Scratch would hear her over the screeches and screams of the bad guy twins, "THINK YOU CAN FIND OUT WHERE THEY'RE KEEPING HIM?!" Scratch gave Molly a playful salute before he leaped over the bad guys and "BOOM!" crashed onto the floor just a few feet in front of them. Dust gathered around the ghost as he gave a menacing, apple-green grin. He looked down at the bad guys, who were trying to stop themselves from crashing right into the ghost blob. They managed to stop just a few feet away from the slimy giant, "Let's make things interesting!" Scratch cooed in his dark, spooky voice, "Whoever tells me where Mr. Case is being kept, will get a head start in the next leg of this chase!" The bad guys didn't even hesitate to answer! They both pointed towards the large door behind them, "Through there! He's in the furthest room in the hall on the left!" the twins answered in almost perfect unison. "Good. Now run. Before I decide to change my mind!" The bad guys didn't wait for him to finish before they took off again. Scratch gave Molly a thumbs up, and Molly grinned back at him and waved at him in thanks. While Scratch continued to chase the bad guys while giving off a demonic laugh, Molly dashed through the doors, with Libby and Darryl following close behind. The doors swung out of her way, allowing Molly to bolt down the hall. The loud "thump! Thump! Thump!" of their footsteps echoed down the seemingly endless hallway. Molly looked back at her friends, "Come on!" she encouraged, "I think we're almost the-MMMPH!" before Molly could finish her sentence, she was dragged through another door! "MOLLY!" Libby and Darryl exclaimed. They ran in the direction they saw Molly disappear, but someone stepped in front of the doorway. It was Mr. Carbine, he was holding Molly roughly with one hand, and holding a knife up to her neck with the other! Darryl and Libby gasped and backed away a couple steps. Poor Molly was horror-stricken! She's been in dangerous situations before, but never as this one! Molly stared at her friends worriedly, not daring to even mutter a word. Mr. Carbine just stared the kids down as if what he was doing wasn't a huge deal! "Back that way, kiddies," Mr. Carbine glanced back down the hall from whence they came. Libby, Molly and Darryl looked at each other with sympathetic expressions; they didn't need to be told what would happen if they didn't do as they were told. Libby and Darryl turned and headed back down the hall, but they walked alongside Mr. Carbine so they could keep an eye on poor Molly. Molly's eyes kept darting back and forth at her friends. She couldn't believe the plan backfired already! Phase one and she already got caught by the bad guy! Mr. Carbine walked through the doors with the kids unwillingly following beside. Mr. Carbine's eyes slightly widened at the sight of his goons running around, being chased by Scratch. "BOYS! Stop fooling around! We've got vitamin samples to collect!" Mr. Carbine screeched, drawing the bad twins' attention. "We don't have time for anymore slip ups from either of you!" "We'd love to help, sir!" Garry said, "But we're kinda busy at the moment!" Larry finished. Neither of them stopped running, and Scratch didn't stop chasing. "Stop scurrying about like a bunch of scared kittens and start up the vitamin vac!" Mr. Carbine demanded at the top of his lungs. He then turned towards Darryl, who tried to keep a brave face on behind his tear-building eyes, "You'd better hope for your sister's sake that the blob gets in there, or the little girl-" Scratch immediately halted the moment he overheard 'sister' and 'little girl'. He spun himself around and ended up sending himself into shock! Molly was being held against her will by none other than Carbine! A shiny, silver blade was held up close to her neck! Much too close! Molly could get hurt...or worse! And the thought alone was enough to scare Scratch! "STOP!!" Scratch boomed, sending everyone's heads spinning in his direction. The blob-like ghost held his hands down towards the bad guys in a means of surrender, "I-I'll go in! I'll get in your vitamin...vacuum...machine-thingy!" Scratch stuttered in his words; afraid that if he said even one little syllable wrong, Carbine would end Molly lethally! Mr. Carbine paused. "WHAT?!" Now it was Molly's turn to be scared, they had no idea whether or not Scratch was big enough to make the vitamin-vac burst! What if he wasn't big enough!? What if something worse happened to him than going to the after-afterlife!? What if they never set Scratch free at all and she never saw him again!? "NO SCRATCH! NO!!" Molly heartbrokenly demanded, doing her best to keep a safe distance from Carbine's knife while resisting his grip. She wanted to run up to Scratch and pull him down to her level so she could give him a big 'ol hug and take him back home! Where they'd both be safe! Mr. Carbine just stared up at the ghostly blob in confusion; even the bad twins stopped their frantic running to listen in on the conversation. Libby and Darryl looked up at Scratch worriedly, surely this wasn't a part of Molly and Scratch's plan! Mr. Carbine looked down at Molly Mcgee, then back up at the Ghost Blob; his confusion refusing to leave his expression. Maybe there is a sentimental connection between this girl and the Ghost Blob after all! Carbine looked Scratch in the eye, taking a break every few seconds to glance down at Molly and make sure she didn't try to make a break for it. "You'd go in there?" Mr. Carbine gestured at the vitamin vac with his head, "For safety of this little girl?" Mr. Carbine looks down at Molly, the poor girl looking more petrified now than she's been throughout the night! Scratch instantly answered, lowering his face down to the baddies level, so they wouldn't need to crane their necks to look him in the eyes. "YES-I'll do it!" Scratch's plasm' hands "thwumped" hard on the ground as he tried to keep himself from losing it, "Just don't hurt her...please!" All poor Molly Mcgee could do was watch as Mr. Carbine gestured once again towards the vitamin-vac. Scratch looked towards it, realizing what the bad guy wanted. Scratch looked back down at Molly and tried to keep a brave face, for both their sakes, but mostly Molly's. "I'll be okay, Moll," Scratch tried to assure her. Molly's face threatened to be gushing out tears, her mouth was slightly agape, wanting to shout out Scratch's name in an attempt to stop him; as if he was about to be tossed into a second flow of Failed Phantoms, without her! Scratch turned himself around, facing away from Molly, he couldn't bare to glance at Molly's horrified expression a moment longer. He made his way towards the vitamin-vac and watched as the twin baddies-still shaking in their boots at the ghost's massive size-fired up the vitamin-vac. Molly was trembling frantically, her neck dangerously close to the shimmering blade. Her eyes scanned the room, desperate for a way to save Scratch, her friends, and perhaps herself! She had to force herself to keep still as she watched the vitamin-vac's large tube begin to move and suck in air around it. "No! No!" Molly mouthed, begging Scratch to float, slid or disappear from sight so that he would get captured. Scratch stared into the vacuum, looking to him like a dark, dismal abyss; not realizing that the vacuum was beginning to suck Scratch into the tube, ectoplasm droplet by ectoplasm droplet. "No! No! NO!" Molly's mouthing got more and more audible the more Scratch got sucked in. About a quarter of Scratch's body had been vacuumed into the machine before took a deep breath he dove into the tube. "SLUUURP!" went the vacuum as Scratch disappeared. "NO!" Molly reached out her hand as if Scratch was still there, holding out his own. But Carbine kept her from running away by holding her back with one hand and holding up the knife defensively with his other hand. Molly looked down at the knife, her reflection was a little bit too close to it for comfort. Her throat was dry from not having eaten or drunken anything for the past couple hours, but she was too afraid to even gulp. She looked up and saw Scratch's large body plop into the tube, filling up just about every inch inside as he reunited with the remainder of his ectoplasm. The bad guy twins wiped sweat from their brows, happy that their attacker had finally been caught. Scratch shook his head and the first thing his saw was the look in Molly's eyes. He could tell that she was mentally fighting the fear and doubt inside of her, struggling to find any source of hope in their current situation. It's easy to be positive in the excitement of the fray, but when your best friend gets captured, it's not exactly easy to stay positive. Scratch and Molly just freeze, staring into each other's eyes, wishing that they could run to each other and comfort the other.

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