Chapter 38

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Carl's pov

I refuse to believe that Patrick is dead. He was right beside me for hours, he couldn't have died, there's just no way. I took a deep breath in and listened to dad tell the story. It was hard to believe, it really was, but why would he lie? It's been hard enough with mom gone, but now Patrick? When will the death end?

Rayne walked away, but I stood still. My eyes watered slightly, but no tears fell. I crossed my arms and stood looking at the concrete floor. I still refused to accept that he was dead, but I knew that I had work to do. I walked up to Judith and took her from Beth, giving her a break. Judith squirmed a little bit and started to whine, but eventually settled down. I rocked her back and forth, calming her down. I looked out of the window and saw people working, or taking out walkers by the fence.

We sat there for a few more minutes, just watching the world go by, Judith was almost asleep, so I put her in the makeshift crib and walked out to find Beth. I walked down the stairs and saw that Hershel and Beth were talking about something. I decided to leave them be, since they barely get any time to themselves. I walked back up the stairs and sat on the bed in Judith's room.

Rayne's pov

My eyes watered even more, tears spilling over. I was coughing like crazy and it just wouldn't stop. I turned on the shower a little, and cupped my hands, getting some water in them, and then drank it. It soothed my throat for around thirty seconds, before it started to tickle again.

I quickly ran out of the shower room to try and find someone. I started to cough all over again and I found Hershel. He looked over when he saw me and got up immediately.

"What's wrong?" He asked surprisingly calm.

"I-I" I couldn't say anything before I would choke again. He motioned for someone and they picked me up and took me to a cell. I sat up to avoid choking even more and Hershel walked out of the room. I was trying to focus on my breathing when Hershel came back and handed me some water. I grabbed it and drank it slowly.

"Go find some elderberries." He said to Beth and she nodded.

"Now Rayne, you're going to have to stay calm, until I can find out what's wrong." I nodded and Hershel proceeded to ask me more questions,

"Now, were you feeling bad in the past two or three days?" I shook my head no and he nodded.

"Alright, did you come into contact with Patrick before he died, like, the day of?" I nodded yes and Hershel sighed.

"I was afraid of that, we're going to quarantine you for the time being, just to be sure it doesn't spread more than it already has." I nodded and still kept sipping the water. I looked around the cell and saw nothing interesting at all. I waited for them to come back, slowly swinging my legs.

Hershel's pov

This is bad. Who knows how much the sickness has spread, it could have infected everyone. Beth went out to find elderberries, which naturally fight off bacteria, and will hopefully kill the bug. Rayne is the first one since Patrick to show any signs of anything being wrong.

I went to find Rick, and easily spotted him out by the garden.

"Rick!" I said slightly rushed and he looked up, rubbed his hands on his jeans and walked over to me.


"Rayne is showing symptoms of being sick, she just went through a nasty cough attack." I said and he nodded.

"Let's go to her cell, make this a little more private." I nodded and we went to the cell where she is being kept. She was swinging her feet back and forth and stopped when she saw us.

"How are you doing?" I asked and she took a deep breath before saying,

"Fine, a little weak, but fine." Rick nodded and stepped in between us.

"Maybe she just choked."

"No, I don't believe so. "

"Well, what are we going to do about this?"

"Quarantine, it's all we can do for right now." I said and Rick nodded, running a hand over his beard.

"Alright, don't tell anyone about this, though, we don't need people freaking out." We both nodded and Rayne stood up, waiting to go to quarantine. We walked past all of the cells, and into the visitors area of the prison. I put her where the quarantine was established and told her that I'd be back with elderberry tea and some company. She nodded and went to go sit down on one of the chairs.

Rayne's pov

I was sitting on the chair and started to spin around, this is actually pretty scary. If Patrick died from this, doesn't that mean I can too? I did step in a little of his blood without any shoes. I started to get really nervous about this whole thing. I don't even know what it is, if it's just a regular flu, or if it's some type of superbug.

Moments later Hershel reappeared with the tea along with my mom, Daryl, Carol, Rick and Carl. Hershel explained to them what happened and they all nodded, and then looked towards me. Hershel came in and gave me the tea. I took a sip, and didn't really like it, but if it would help me get better, I'd drink it.

"So, when is she going to be let out?" Carl asked and Hershel replied,

"Could be a week, could be a month, it all depends on if the bug goes or not." They all nodded, and my mom looked indifferent. I looked down into the cup of tea and swirled it around, why doesn't she care? She cares about Daryl, but not me, unless it's something she disagrees with.

I gulped the rest of the tea down and set the cup by the door, so they could get it. Hershel grabbed it and they all just looked at me. I weakly smiled, and hoped they would visit me every day. Who knows where this is going to go?

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