Through the Woods

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While Jarvis dabbed his forehead, the rough bark dug into the small of his back. After resting for a few precious moments, he shoved the damp cloth into his pocket as he hustled through his people and chased down their guide. When he reached the dwarf, Jarvis tugged the stout warrior's shoulder. "Ferrek, how much further do we have to go?"

Hearty laughter exploded from the guide's mouth as his head twisted. "We're closer than the last time you asked. However, if you're not as hearty as you claimed, we can take another break."

"No," Jarvis said between ragged gasps. He pressed his palm against his chest as his head whipped about, absorbing the monotonous flora. "I'll be fine."

"Provided you survive," Ferrek said, clapping Jarvis's side, "you should add exercise into your busy day."

As Jarvis's knees wobbled, he leaned against a nearby tree.

With raucous laughter, Ferrek spun around and continued marching through the forest.

As the dwarf wove through the trunks, Jarvis plucked his canteen from his belt and took several swigs. Once the water tumbled down his throat, he wiped his mouth and hustled after the guide. Upon cresting the hill, a stout hand slapped Jarvis's stomach. "What was that for?"

"Look down," Ferrek said, pointing at the ground.

Squinting his eyes, Jarvis stepped away from the fissure carved into the ground before his feet. He shook his head and inched toward the chasm. "Where do we go from here?"

The dwarven guide lifted his hands as his lips tugged at his eyes. "Patience, Jarvis, there's a twisting path that leads directly to the bottom of this cliff and the entrance to our home. It's good you got your second wind. The climb down will be taxing."

"After you."

With a nod, the guide spun around and marched along the cliff's edge. When the dwarf reached a gnarled tree, he spun around it and followed the trail as it bent around the cliff face. When they reached the bottom of the cliff, Ferrek clapped Jarvis's back. "Cheers, you and your friends will be the first visitors to enter our halls."

With a nod, Jarvis took another pull from his canteen. "Thanks for the honor."

Ferrek gestured toward the far wall of stone and bowed. "Your courage in battle secured your right to meet our king."

Jarvis's hand quivered as he grabbed Fenton and pointed at the intricate stonework opposite them. "Can you see that?"

"It's a little hard to miss," Fenton said as he pulled himself free from Jarvis's grasp.

Jarvis shook his head and rubbed the feeling back into his legs before he resumed chasing after his guide. Silently, their group sauntered through the massive archway, and the solid stone doors closed behind them. The torches lining the walls shone brightly, reflecting off all the gold and silver inlays arrayed along the walls. "Your hall is impressive, Ferrek."

"It's sufficient for our needs."

Fenton cleared his throat as his head swiveled to take in everything he could. "How defensible is this hold?"

Ferrek stopped and spun on Fenton, thrusting his finger into the man's stomach, doubling him over. His eyes narrowed as a scowl flashed across his face. "Are you planning a raid?"

Stepping between them, Jarvis shoved both of their shoulders as he locked eyes with Ferrek. "Fenton isn't planning anything nefarious. His job back at our compound is ensuring our defenses hold back the relentless horde. He's wondering how well your hold keeps the menace out."

With a nod, the dwarf's gaze softened. "Is that the reason behind your question?"

"I wasn't trying to suggest anything else."

"Fine," Ferrek said, spinning about and snapping his fingers. "Radek, go, ensure Gilras Paradur is ready to greet his guests."

The soldier nodded and laid his weapon in a rack lining the wall before bolting down the corridor.

"I'm sorry for losing my temper." Ferrek spread his arms out wide as a false smile crept onto his face. "Please follow me."

As Jarvis walked down the hall, he rubbed his arms. "Wasn't your king expecting us?"

"He is, but as I'm sure you're well aware, the burdens of leadership sometimes require that you prioritize your time."

Jarvis nodded as his fingers stretched out toward an intricate inlay filled with silver, gold, and precious stones.

Ferrek snatched Jarvis's wrist, pulling it away from the ornate artwork. "Don't touch the walls."

"I apologize," Jarvis said as he turned away from the mural. "However, I understand the burden of leadership. I hope his burdens allow him time to speak with us."

Fenton stepped next to Jarvis, tugging his sleeve. "Do you think he'll be willing to help us?"

"I wouldn't have brought you here if my king wasn't willing to entertain the possibility." Ferrek released Jarvis's arm as he guided them towards another carved archway. "In the meantime, we should eat."

Jarvis entered the hall and froze. The tables lining the walls were packed with food, and on the far side, barrels of beer stood, and a few dwarves were filling massive mugs. The guide clapped Jarvis's back and gestured to the round table in the center of the room. "Go sit and partake of our bounty."

After a momentary glance at Fenton, Jarvis marched to a table and lifted a pitcher, taking a sip. He sighed with content as he lowered the tankard, leaving foam clinging to his lips. He sat down, and instantly a dwarf slid a plate of food in front of him. The man lifted a hunk of meat and tore a bite from it. As he chewed, his eyes drifted up, while a moan escaped his lips.

"Come join us and eat, drink and be merry." Ferrek clapped Jarvis's back and waved at the remaining seats. "We'll be waiting for some time, while our king finishes the duties, stealing his attention."

"Jarvis," Fenton said around a mouthful of meat. "This is far better than what we normally have."

"You're right. Everybody dig in."

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