" Born together." I said as I tightened my hold her on as well. 

" Die together." I heard Hope breathed out as she sobbed out. 

" Always." Hope and I said at the same time. 

( A/N: Third person's POV) 

Hope held onto her twin sister tightly fearing she may disappear again, she heard a twig snapped and leaves moved behind her.  The twins let go of each other and Hope stood protectively in front of Aurora with her eyes glowing indigo, only to feel a hand on her left shoulder.

" Let's release, let our balloon pop."   Aurora said though their mind-linked and moved to Hope's left side.  The twins hold eye contact for a moment but held words behind the look, the unspoken nor mind-licked words;  Together

Aurora's eyes changed colour to a mixture between  Blue and Indigo as the twins uses their powerful bond to protect each other.  They turned their heads towards the failed vicious hybrids and Together they screamed as loud as the could.  With such power the twins shard within them together they formed a flaming symbol of their bond;  Shield and sword. 

The twins stopped their roaring screams and open their eyes with deep inhales of air, as they felt even more connected together.  The symbol disappeared within  moments after the screams stopped but the burning bodies kept on flaming up with Blue and Orange flames. 

" You okay?" Hope asked Aurora breaking the silence that fall. 

Aurora looked at Hope with a small smile.

" Never better." Aurora said as she made the flames disappear. 

Hope look behind to see their dad looking at them with a mixture between proudness and relief, Aurora turned to look at what her twin is looking at and saw Klaus.

Aurora decided to do something she knew she had to do and walked over to Klaus.  Aurora didn't say a word when she reached Klaus, instead she put all the courage she had left and  surprised both her twin and her father;  Aurora pulled Klaus into a huge.

Klaus on the other hand was in shock for a moment but came out of it and soon hugged his youngest tightly, feeling relief that she's okay. Hope smiled at the scene in front of her looking proud at her twin for doing something she's been sacred of doing since they got stuck back in time; Making memories with their dad.

" Thank you for taking care of Hope." Aurora mumbled into Klaus's neck.  

To most people would be offended when you tell their own parent thanks for taking care of their own kid but Klaus knew it wasn't something to be offended about.

Instead It's something that he knew how special and unique boned the twins have with each other. Knowing that as long as the other twin is safe that's there key to surviving. Klaus didn't say anything only held his youngest tightly enjoying the moment he is having with his  youngest daughter. 

Meanwhile Stefan Salvatore walked up the hill where he originally left Klaus and Hope to chase Ryan who was the first person to expect the failed hybrid experiment. 

Only to get bitten by him, Stefan saw Aurora hugging Klaus and just like that his switch was half back on.  Hope saw Stefan's arm and immediately gave him her blood which carried the bite. 

Aurora let go from the hug as she felt her Soul mark burn again and looked at Stefan in the eyes. Feeling worry shows over her.

"Let's find out why my little experiment didn't work."  Klaus said not really liking how his Littlest Moon and The Ripper of Monterey are looking at each other. 

Hope on the other hand saw her dad about to kill Stefan by they way he's looking at Aurora and walked over to her twin and their dad.  

" Oh believe me, dad. So do I. "  Hope thought to herself as she saw the look their dad had when looking at Stefan and Aurora. 

Hope grabbed Klaus's arm and pulled him alone while giving him the look that's saying " I'll explain later."  Even though she tells him like half of the truth. 

Hope felt sad for her twin understanding why she isn't being with any of her other Soulmate's, Lucifer and Aurora would need to talk before anything were to happen with the others, he deserves  at least that much of respect.  

Yet Hope could tell the longer Aurora is getting to know her other soulmates, it's making it harder for her to follow her words.  Even though she can tell Aurora Just hides the feelings deep down and ends up stayed true to her words. 

 Hope knows Aurora would never hurt Lucifer like that, it's not who she is.  Hope is just hoping Stefan understands where Aurora is coming from. 

Meanwhile as Stefan and Aurora were left alone, Stefan didn't know what to do next.   Should he hug her?  Ask where she has been?  Ask if she's okay?  Aurora walked over to Stefan and gave him a huge which Stefan hugged back liking the feeling he's getting by having his soulmate in his arms. 

" Why did she have to be  a serious relationship with some from her timeline?!"  Stefan thought to himself, not knowing what to really do anymore. 

"Look I know you shut down your humanity. However I want to tell you that,  It won't change anything. We all have a dark side. Some more harder to handle than others."  Aurora whispered into his ear as they huge.

"I accept all of you Stefan. Good and bad. I don't gave up on the people that matter to me.  That includes my friends."   Aurora add. 

The word Friends hurt both Stefan's and Aurora's hearts to hear. However Aurora isn't going to be leading him, it's not fair for him.  It's not who she is.  Even though Stefan refuses to give up on begin with his true mate, yet he's the one  whose still in a complicated relationship with Elena Gilbert. 

A few minutes ago by and Aurora felt she made her point then pulled away.  Aurora gave him a small smile then walked away, feeling her point has successfully made it across.  Stefan on the other hand wanting to vamp-speed in front of her and kiss her.  However he knew he couldn't. 

He need to break things off with Elena then find this Lucifer Moringstar guy explain that they share a mate. Maybe they'll come up with a plane to share their mate, then he'll finally be able to be with his mate.  The question is how does he find a god? 

A/n: Thank you for reading this chapter.  I hope you all have an amazing day/night.


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