"Want to know my opinion?" 

"Yes." I say, stopping at the edge of the stairs to look at James. 

"I reckon the white set." 

"The set?" 

"Yes. You looked absolutely stunning in it when you tried it on. I reckon that one." 

"Alright... I'll see." I say turning around and walking up the stairs and into our bedroom to choose what to wear... 

Half an hour of umming and ahhing. I caved and went with the white set that James said. It's a gorgeous crop top to skirt set in white from Shien. Actually the first thing I ever bought from there as I thought the quality was crap, but it's actually better than I expected. 

I head downstairs where James is waiting for me and he smiles, that adorable smile I've fallen in love with. 

"Stunning as always." He says and I smile. 

"Stop James. I didn't think it was possible to love someone as much as I love you." 

"Aw." He says wrapping his arms around me and placing kisses on my cheek which makes me smile. 

"You look gorgeous as usual." 

"Thanks." He says, unwrapping his arms from me and walking over to the kitchen, where he picks up a cucumber from one of the platters. I run over to him an swat his hand away before he has time to dip it in the olive dip. 

"You can't touch that... not yet anyway." 

"OH come on, it's nearly 7." 

"I understand that babe, but it needs to look presentable." 

"It looks completely fine." He says and I sigh. 

"You're lucky I love you." I say rolling my eyes and he gives me a devilish smile. 

Not long later our guests start rolling in, one by one, our house fills up to the brim.... 


 A couple hours later I am sitting on the couch outside with Baz and Naughts, sipping on a vodka cruiser that is barely wanting to make it down. 

"You're such a lightweight." Baz teases "One drink and you're done." 

"Shut up." I say rolling my eyes. "I'm not even drunk." 

"You couldn't walk in a straight line before." Aaron says and I roll my eyes again. 

"I so could." 

"You sure about that?" 

"Positive." I say. 

"How about you walk in a straight line now for me?" Aaron challenges 

"Fine." I say getting up, wobbling a bit as I stand up. 

I then proceed to walk from the couch to the table and back. I wobble a bit, but manage to walk in a relatively straight line. That's what I think anyway, until I sit back down on the couch and Baz shows me a video he took. 

"You're wasted." He says and I laugh. 

"Oh god, maybe I am." 

"And how many cruisers have you had?" 

"Uhhh, I don't know, maybe like 3 or 4." I slur again and Aaron laughs. 

"I think you've had more than that hun." He says just as James walks over to us. 

"Tahls." James says. "Thought you'd wanna remember this night." 

"I will, r-remember it." I say and James laughs. 

Summer Love - James Worpelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें