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sophie opened her eyes, confused as she thought she died

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sophie opened her eyes, confused as she thought she died. but in reality, she was inside a small cabin made out of wood, and by small i mean one room that looked like a kid made it. it was very cold and she was only wearing the hospital rope, but then she realized she was covered in a heavy blanket. she looked around and it was dark, like it was morning but the sun was covered by clouds. the boy from last night was sitting in the bed, looking down.

he noticed she was awake, so he spoke to her.

-hello-. sophie was thankful for her xenoglossy, meaning she could speak and understand languages she didn't learn, because she was never taught to speak in the lab.

-hello, my name is sophie-. straight forward.

-i'm will.

he put his hand on her shoulder and it felt awesomely warm, something not usual for sophie, whose body was always cold.

-are you okay? you seemed in so much pain.- the girl then remembered what she went through before they ended up...

-yeah, i'm fine now will, do you know where we are?

-well, from what i've seen while bringing you here, it's like hawkins, but so much darker and colder, like a parallel dimension, and we can't ignore that creature that brought us here.

sophie nodded and will let go of her shoulder. she wished he didn't, his warmth was comforting. but the moment was over.

they stayed in silence for a few minutes, before will asked.

-why are you dressed in hospital clothes? why do you have no hair? what's that tattoo in your wrist?

sophie let out a small chuckle, he was naturally curious.

-well....- i looked at him in the eyes. they were pretty, i must say. he looked genuinely curious and sincere. - i was trapped in the hawkins laboratory, alongside at least other 20 kids, so they could experiment with us.- will looked confused.

-why would they experiment with you?-. oh, inocent willy...

-well, i have this kind of powers...i was never taught how to speak english, but xenoglossy is an ability where i can speak every language i want without learning it. i also can manipulate fire and move objects with my mind!

will looked amazing, i skipped the part where i was forced with violence to use my abilities, that was very personal. maybe when we...escape.

suddenly, they heard a sound outside. it was like a mix of a roar and a groan. will instantly took sophie's hand, which made their temperatures clash. will was warm and sophie was cold, and they were comfortable with touching because of how nice it felt. but they had to run.

sophie was certain it was the same creature that trapped them at first, and when they got out of the cabin, she realized she was right. the dog wasn't a dog. it had a human body, if you can call it human, and its head opened like a flower. she didn't get to see more because she was running.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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