- Chapter 1 - The Pizza

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The summer just started, and it is a very hot day outside. It is 11 in the morning and a boy with messy black hair has just woken up, his name is Sunny, he is going to meet his friend Kel today at Gino's. Sunny has a sister named Mari, she is with her Boyfriend, Hero at his place. There seems to be a knock at the door, Kel is there.

"Hey Sunny! You ready to go to Gino's?" Asked Kel

"Yeah, sure lets go." Said Sunny

As Sunny and Kel walked to Gino's they saw the gang known as THE HOOLIGANS. They seemed to be going to Gino's too, They usually go there to hangout.

As they got there they decided to order some Pizza, "One large cheese pizza please!" Said Kel. They decided to share a large cheese pizza because they wanted to use the savings they had wisely.

"So *munch* how have you *munch* been *munch* doing?" Said Kel with his mouthful of pizza.

"Well, not much, we just got out of school." Said Sunny.

"Hi guys, is anyone sitting here?" Said a shy voice.

"Basil! How come *munch* your here today?" Said Kel.

"Well I decided about going to get some lunch, it's great that we are here together!" Said Basil.

"That's *munch* awesome!" Said Kel.

"Yeah, it is" said Sunny.

As Basil and Kel (with food in his mouth) were talking about something, Sunny realized THE HOOLIGANS along with Aubrey were sitting fairly close by. Sunny seemed to be staring at Aubrey.

"Hey Sunny, you look *munch* distracted about something" said Kel.

"Huh, oh yeah! ha, yep very distracted heh heh." Said Sunny startled, he was blushing.

"..Ohhhh, ha ha." Basil said knowing what was up

"It's a surprise you still have a crush on her for 4 years." Basil whispered, "Don't worry your secret is still safe.", Sunny nodded being red as ketchup.

"Hey what are you guys *munch* whispering about?" Kel said.

"Oh, um.. yeah we were talking about um, surprise for you!" Said Basil rather quick.

"Well I guess it isn't a surprise anymore haha!" Said Kel.

Basil finally went up to order his mushroom pizza. And Sunny and Kel were finished with the pizza they ordered. When Basil was down with his pizza they decided to leave, but Basil had an idea.

- Get ready for Chapter 2, things will get interesting then.

SunBurned - An OMORI fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang