Chapter 15 - Afraid

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It was midnight. The surroundings was peaceful. Sarah suddenly awaken after a bad dream. She was on the forest. It was raining and she was alone. She was frightened when she found out that there was someone who was chasing her. She ran and ran until she fell down from the mountain...and DIED.
She looked around and she saw Nick was sleeping beside her. She touched Nick's face and kissed his cheeks. Then, she went out from the room to find a water to drink. While she was slowly walking, she noticed that there was someone who was watching her on the window outside the house. She immediately looked at the window on her left side and she was frightened when she saw a man who's his head was filled of blood. She was staring at the man and she tried to familiarized his face. She was surprised when she saw that the person was the face of Blake. She was afraid and she tried to scream but she covered her mouth with her hands. When she blinked, the man disappeared so she went to the kitchen right away and drunk a water.
A seconds later, Sarah heard Katherine screamed so she immediately went to her room and asked Katherine what was happened. Suddenly, all of her friends went to Katherine's room when they heard her screaming. She said that she saw the ghost beside her on her bed so she screamed and ran at the corner of her room. Sarah embraced her and they looked around the room but they never saw the ghost.
"Are you okay now?", Joshua asked Katherine as he kissed her forehead.
"Yes. Thank you so much", Katherine answered and she hugged Joshua.
"You sure you okay? We'll always be here for you", Sarah said to Katherine.
"Yeah, I'm okay now. Uhm, can I ask a favor?", Katherine asked Sarah.
"Yes, what is it?"
"Can you sleep with me here tonight?"
"Thank you so much", Katherine beamed.

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