«Who has ever said anything about having sex?» Chan managed to grumble out, hands pinned on both sides of Felix's head.

The latter pouted «I thought railing me was already into the equation by default when you told me "how about we pass a night at the beach?"» he pointed out, trying to mock Chan's voice but failing due to his deep timbre.

The man rolled his eyes to hide his fondness and desire «I've always found you a little bit too eager to get railed, you little sex demon»

«As if you'd deny something that involved wrecking me and rearranging my guts» the boy stated before dragging him down and locking their lips together, not letting the other reply.

They indulged in each other as the Sun fell out of their sight with a steady pace, basking in its warmness as they held each other and stole kisses, their legs tangled and their fingers intertwined. Little to nothing had changed from their day at Bondi Beach, which had been merely a couple of days before, that consciousness of things having been shifted always present between them, yet still silent. Truthfully, as peaceful as he felt, Felix couldn't deny it was still a bit scary. While he fantasized about it late at night, a hand curled over his stomach to feel the butterflies, he would feel only at ease, but the time he saw Chan get too close or look at him with that particular fondness, that particular feeling, in his eyes a spark of panic would ignite in him, unexplainably so. Probably, he would have still been content if things stayed like that for a couple of months more, until after his graduation, but he knew they couldn't, and his eagerness always got the best of that little slithering and unfounded sliver of fear. So, as usual, he let everything go, deciding to kiss Chan silly instead.

Only when sunset really began they sat up again, reaching out for their bags to get out their dinner. While Felix had prepared some sandwiches with white bread, Chan's mother had gone full out with cold venus rice full of veggies, avocado and tuna, a true sight for the eyes.

«Wow» the blond gaped «Remember to thank her, that looks delicious

Chan laughed «I'll make sure to do that, but you can dig in and have a taste for yourself» he said, nudging one of the two containers towards him while Felix opened his sandwich one and put it between each other.

«Damn, I didn't know you wanted me to eat you out so bad» he joked, wiggling his eyebrows.

The man threw him an unamused glance, although the way the corner of his mouth curled up gave him away «I'd rather have you on my dick, not my ass, thank you»

The blond caught the hint immediately, casting his eyes downwards «Yeah, sorry, shouldn't have joked about it»

Surprisingly, Chan chuckled, ruffling his hair «I'm good chick, don't dwell on it, I know it was a joke and I don't mind» he reassured him before digging in, stuffing his mouth with rice.

«Well, I must admit it's true that you like me more when I'm sucking you off» Felix mumbled, taking a generous bite as well.

The other almost choked on his food, reaching out for his water in time «That's not-» he tried, but coughed.

«Don't even try to deny it, not when the first thing you asked was that I'd get on my knees for you» the boy reminded him, narrowing his eyes and pointing his chopsticks at him.

«'Cause it's the first thing I thought when you opened your little menace-y mouth» he defended himself, poorly at that, batting away the blond's chopsticks with his own.

«Nasty» Felix commented, his nose scrunching up «I probably would have done it if you just asked instead of flirting lamely for a whole month» he declared, stuffing his mouth.

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