king of The Supernatural

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Screaming is the only thing u can hear behind the big iron door no human can push, the screams of the guilty the low of the lows screaming for mercy times like this really hurts the kings hurt but then he thinks they did this to them selfs

The king is always kind, always smiling, Always understanding, and the king is loved by all it takes so much for the king to get mad or even annoyed by anyone if it does happen then they know he will only act like an evil man when someone has wrong the trouble and truly trouble thing. 

But they know their king does well with holding bad even when they wish he wouldn't at times 

"My king there are some vampires out in the North Quarter" the guard spoke knowing the king will truly not be pleased the king loves kids if anything happens to kids because of supernatural well it's not good

these fucking newborn vampires are about to piss me off i just came from school and dealing with the pack now i gotta deal with these fucking supernatural ass blood-drinking vampires drinking from kids in my kingdom 

"I want you to find them and I want you to put them in the smallest sunlight u can find and tye them there while the sun burns the skin...oh and I want you to take every single vampire in the North Quarter is daylight rings they will be on punishment because of those newborns am i clear

"yes my king if I'm allowed to speak out of turn my king," the guard asked shyly

i smiled at my tree guard at being shy to ask to speak 

" go-ahead Peterson" i smiled at him

"well I was wondering if I may spend time with my family, uh my wife will soon be giving birth"

a look of shock came on my face did he just ask me that  " Peterson you always can leave go" i spoke to him getting a bow as he turned into smoke

sooner or later I will be leaving this pack I miss my kingdom and the sooner i can get these hunters killed off since they are doing nothing but making a mess of everything they do or try to kill they are just pissin everyone off more and more it's about time they see what the king of supernatural is once and for all

Teen wolf Stiles one shotजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें