Chapter 28 - Euphoria

Start from the beginning

"You're terrible, Lia."

I giggled and nodded my head. I looked to my right and I instantly recognised my two best friends who were in masks. I gasped and immediately looked at Steve. He nodded his head but I smiled and shake it off. I wasn't going to do him dirty and run off to my friends. I'm dancing with Captain America. The Steven Grant Rogers who was born in Brooklyn. We danced a little while longer before he turn to lead me to them. We squealed and engulfed each other in a hug, as if we didn't just saw each other during lunch.

"You're beautiful! Oh, look at how godly that dress is! The way it hugs your curves! Baby, you look amazing!" I squealed, looking at Jean as she turned to pose.

"Right? I mean look at the birthday girl! You're a princess, Lia. Princess Aurelia. Doesn't that sound nice?"

"Of course," I said while I playfully stroked my hair. "But I have to be humble today. I'm a humble princess."

"Yep. Just pretend that I'm not here."

We turn to Sulky Raiden who had his arms crossed. His eyes focused on the people dancing, clearly not wanting to make eye-contact with us. We laughed as he continued his act.

"Raiden, you're not getting any desserts here if you're gonna keep sulking," I threatened. He still ignored. I sighed and leaned into his ear. "You better stop or I'll tell Jean that you took the last piece of chocolate éclairs in both your fridge."

He tensed up and immediately turn to me. He suddenly greeted loudly and hugged me tight. "I sometimes wonder why do I trust you with my life."

"Because no one out there, except for me, have fought two drunk men for you." I said in giggles.

He nodded, knowing I was right. I mean, if someone beat up two men, who are larger than their size, just for you, you would've trusted them. At the same time, I make crazy choices that leads me to jumping out of moving cars. Escaping the Most Wanted Criminal in all of the states just because I thought I could change him which I hope I did. Also, standing on the edge of the rooftop which caused me to get kidnapped by a giant blue creature. Amazing. It wasn't my choice to get kidnapped. At the same time, if I wasn't abducted, my pathetic now strong leg wouldn't have miraculously recovered. Bless the creature who has my play pretend ex-boyfriend's name.

The two of them dragged me out to dance again, spinning me around. At one point, they let me go and I stood aside, watching the two of them dance. It was romantic and beautiful. I could tell they genuinely loved each other. The way they looked into each other's eyes while talking and swaying to the music. The way Raiden's eyes sparkle whenever Jean spoke. I know deep down inside, Raiden was still in denial that Jean shared the same feelings as he does but we all know, Raiden loves Jean more than anything in the world.

I was proud of them both. To have come so far from meeting as freshmen till we're in our mid twenties. I salute Raiden's patience. He waited for the girl for many years without her knowledge and a year without my knowledge. I was dumb. I understand. I was busy trying not to get killed and recovering from trauma. Fun.

I fiddled with my fingers while I watched the two of them. I was starting to get anxious and I could feel my social battery slowly dying. I let out a heavy and shaky breath when a couple of people wished me a happy birthday. I smiled and thanked them. Some even waved at me while they moved around the ball room. Tony was dancing with Pepper. Bruce was dancing with Natasha. Steve and Clint were seated, talking amongst other S.H.I.E.L.D colleagues I assume. It was hard to recognise when I'm standing at a distance.

A Trickster's Euphoria | Loki FFWhere stories live. Discover now