Chapter 8

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Hikari POV

"Well it's time to go back to hueco mundo , It looks like they really miss me already I never thought they where gonna miss me that much, we'll it really makes me happy that all of them care about me that much I feel like I'm a part of their family, I really wish I could see my parents but that's not possible but I have kanashi with me and that makes me happy to have my big brother with me, well I better get going"

Aizen POV
Should I confessed to her or not, man this is so hard to do but the only thing that I want is to make her happy but she is Turing 17 Today I'm 33 years old I'm almost 40 she is just a teenager I will have to wait until she is 20 to At lest get married, I Always been rude to her but I always been in love with her..She is so beautiful I could kiss her everyday .

Gin:"Aizen we need to go and pick up the cake before hikari arrives"

Aizen:"I'll go pick it up"

Gin:"Awesome, I'm gonna go and buy her a gift"



Aizen:"This one is perfect is have a penguin form,she Love's penguins so I think I'll take this one"

Arecna:"Hey stupid what's up"

Aizen:"What in the hell are you doing here"

Arecna:"I'm buying my best friend a gift"

Aizen:"If you excuse me I'm taking this cake home, we better have that place finished before hikari comes back "

Arecna:"Are you stupid you can open a garganta"

Aizen:"I knew that"

Arecna:"Yeah Right"

Ichigo:"Hey wait for me I wann go to hikari birthday party too"

Arecna:"Fine but don't do nothing stupid"

Ichingo:"I won't I promise"

Aizen:"um I don't know I can't trust you"

Ichigo:"ooooh common on is just for today then we can go back being enemies"

Aizen:"Sound good"

Hikari POV
" Yay I'm almost their can't wait,I love this big penguin kanashi gave me is so cute, I can't wait and see aizen again I miss him so much, I know he miss me too"

Hikari:"I home guys"

Everyone:"Happy birthday hikari"

Hikari :"You guys did all this for me"(Cry's)

Aizen:"Ooooh common birthday girl don't cry"

Hikari:"Aizen-sama (Runs and hugs him)"

Aizen:"That's my girl"

Grimmjow:"U-um I like where this us going"

Arecna:"Shut up grimmjow you're ruined the moment"

Aizen:"Hikari I have present for you here "

Hikari:"For me thank you aizen( give him a kiss in the cheek) open up the present"

Omg it's a penguin neckless, thank you so much aizen sama I love it, I'm glad you like it hikari, I don't like it I love it can you put it on my neck aizen plz, sure"

Arecna:"This is so beautiful"


Gin:"I'm gonna cry"

Kanashi:"Hey baby sis"

Hikari:"kanashi what are you doing here"

Kanashi:"Aizen brought me here"

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