"Don't." Dustin says quietly, knowing what's running through my head. I quickly wipe the tears and keep going to start helping out.

"Isn't that his uncle?" I ask when we turn around from handing out drinks and see someone replacing Eddie's photo.

"Mr Munson? I'm Dustin Henderson. This is Y/N L/N. Can we talk?" He asks as we walk towards him.

"I can't imagine we got anything to talk about. My nephew is innocent. He's still missing. I'll put up as many posters as I need until he's found. Good day to you." He walks past us with a bag of posters.

"We were with him." I try not to cry again, making him stop in his tracks. "We were with him when the earthquake hit."

"And where is Eddie now?" Tears start spilling down my face as Dustin pulls Eddie's necklace from his pocket.

"I'm... I'm so sorry." He cries as he hands it over which breaks his uncle as he goes to sit down. "I wish everyone had gotten to know him. Really know him. Because they would've loved him. " He says what we're all thinking as we sit beside him.

"Mr Munson, they would've loved him. We loved him." I add. "He was always so good to us."

"Even in the end, he never stopped being Eddie. Despite everything. We never even saw him get mad."

"He could've run - I wish he did. He could've saved himself. But he fought." I continue.

"He fought and died to protect us - to protect this town. This town that hated him."

"He isn't just innocent. Mr Munson, he's... He's a hero. He could've run - there would be no shame or judgement. He would still be my hero. I don't know how I'm supposed to carry on without him, but I know he'd want me to find a way. He'd want us all to find a way to be happy again. I know Eddie was all you had left, but I want you to know that you're not alone. If you ever need anything - anyone to talk to, let me know." I struggle to get the words out as Dustin and I have an arm around each other.

"Thank you." He weeps.

1 week later

Just as I promised, I've kept in touch with Mr Munson. Currently, I'm visiting his trailer - it's not easy coming here. Dustin couldn't come, so it's just me. He has a picture of Eddie propped up in the main area. We've been talking for a while, but he's finally brought up his prized possession - his guitar.

"You play?"

"Yeah, for about 8 or 9 years actually." Mr Munson then gets up and leaves. He quickly returns with the guitar in hand.

"Mind playing me something?"

"Uh, sure. Any requests?" I ask as I take the guitar from him.

"I'll leave that up to you." I pause and think for a moment before it comes to me. I play Master of Puppets in honour of Eddie.

"Wow. You're quite the guitarist, young lady." He applauds me when I finish.

"Thank you." I smile. "You know, even at the end, we always bonded over our taste in music. He didn't even know I played until then. I wish we could've played together." I recall the memory.

"Keep it."

"I'm sorry?"

"The guitar - you keep it."

"Mr Munson, I couldn't. It means too much to you." I protest.

"I got plenty of things that remind of him. Take the guitar. Eddie would want you to have it."

"Thank you." I smile as tears form in my eyes.

It hurts like hell, but Eddie is with Chrissy now. I hope he's watching us and I hope he's happy that his uncle isn't alone. At least he can rest knowing that he is the true hero.

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