Wood Carving Practice

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When they arrived at the cliffs, Baili Qingmiao had, as expected, not yet arrived.

Wenren È took a glance at the silent Yin Hanjiang and told him to practice his sword by the ocean. After seeing Yin Hanjiang wordlessly obey and go practice, Wenren È found a centuries-old tree growing on the cliff face, cut off its thickest branch, whittled it down to its core, then took out a small knife and began to carve from memory.

When he was young, Wenren È would practice whittling when he was bored, mainly to steady his hand for archery in future battles. After his family was exterminated, in his grief, he would take his knife and carve their likenesses. Within that decade, he carved innumerable wooden figurines, and in the end buried them all with his family. While he was cultivating in the mortal world, he would also carve some horses or swords when idle, and give them to children living at the border as toys.

After that, it had been many decades since he last picked up his carving knife.

As Wenren È thought back to their trip to the border town, he swiftly carved a figure from the wood. He only detailed its body and clothes, and left its face blank.

The figurine was just the size of his palm. Wenren È approached the shore and tossed it over to Yin Hanjiang.

Hearing an object fly toward him, Yin Hanjiang turned and caught it. He saw in his hand a small wooden figurine, its build, clothes, and armor the perfect likenesses of the statue of General Wenren back at the memorial shrine, the only difference being the missing facial features.

"This Venerable also doesn't know how to occupy himself in his spare time," Wenren È said. "When I was young, I passed the time like that. You can keep the figurine and carve a face onto it for practice if you like. If you don't want it, just throw it into the sea. I just made it to amuse myself."

Yin Hanjiang shook his head furiously and put the figurine away in a rush, like he was afraid Wenren È would grab and toss it. "Any gift from the Venerable is infinitely precious to this subordinate," he said. "Your subordinate will finish this carving to the best of his ability."

"After you've gotten some practice, you can carve your childhood town," Wenren È said. "This Venerable would like to see what it looked like in your memories."

Yin Hanjiang's eyes dimmed and he said in a low voice, "This subordinate doesn't remember clearly anymore."

"Then carve what you do remember," Wenren È said. "It doesn't need to be your childhood home. Carve everything you can think of or imagine. You are currently at the Void Boundary stage. If you want to reach Mahayana, you need to train your mind. You will be unable to face off against a true expert if you have Mahayana level power but not the mental fortitude to control it."

Yin Hanjiang had always fought by risking his life, relying on his tenacity and the demon sword to unleash explosive strength far beyond his own realm. But one only had one life, and if he constantly whittled away at it, eventually it would run out.

"This Venerable has learned the blood arts and will not die easily. In the future, there's no need for you to risk your life for this Venerable," Wenren È said.

Hearing his words, Yin Hanjiang's expression went blank. If the Venerable didn't need his life, then what did he have to give?

A chill ran through Yin Hanjiang's heart. Though a warm sea breeze was blowing past his face, his whole body felt cold. What was a Yin Hanjiang who was not needed by his master? What was the vanguard without his general? What was Alkaid without Polis?

As Yin Hanjiang was on the brink of despair, he heard Wenren È say, "In the future, this Venerable needs you to treasure your life."

"Treasure my life?" Yin Hanjiang instinctively replied.

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