11 The First Flotilla Fails

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The Yuan embassy to the Shogun of Japan put to sea with Korean ships and Mongol diplomats. 

It was winter, sunny weather and clear skies. Whales were sighted spouting their water-pillars into the air. A squall blew up and the pilots returned the vessel to shore, in fear of their lives, without ever sighting land. 

The Mongol Envoys returned to the Yuan court and reported that the Orders of Submission had not reached Japan.

The Orders were the same all over the Empire: Submit and be spared. Resist and be plunged into humiliation.

The Mongol Empire rewarded those who eliminated the need to go to war. They made an example of those who resisted for the next city or civilization in the path would be reluctant to resist. A bag of ears severed from the fallen often served as a warning at city gates.

The Khan was furious and sent word to Chong. Khubilai Khan demanded that Chong send another embassy.

Chong sent a messenger by the post-roads. He sent word of the birth of a second son and received congratulations.
He sent a personal letter about the embassy.

"Sir, I advise you against this. A second embassy will not succeed. It would only create bad relations with the Shogun. Ruin trade relations. Give me  a bad reputation. It was a bad idea.”

The Emperor summoned King Chong to court. Chong arrived In the Emperor's private chambers with a gift. 

““I bring fond greetings from Jinguk. I have brought you fish skin shoes. He held them the shiny silver shoes.

Khubilai Khan was in no mood to be mollified or distracted. He was about the business of his prestige in Asia.

Khubilai slipped into the shoes. He stood up. The shooting pains stopped. He could walk without help. 

“What a relief! I must have them.”

Chong brought a box of the shoes and gave them to Khubilai's servant. “They are made from leather and the leather wears out. I have given you a good supply."

“Could we make them in a workroom in the palace? Do we have the same fish in our rivers and lakes?”

"It should not be difficult to teach the science of fish leather. We have a small clan who live by a river and make their living from fish shoes." 

"How did you know my size?"

"These were made to measure for you. Your doctor traced your feet, if you remember."

“I remember. I may imbibe alcohol, but I have my faculties about me, do not doubt it.” Khubilai’s mood darkened, turning into a thunderstorm.. “Enough of changing the subject.”

“Sir, all due respect, you don’t get the big picture.”

“Chong, all due respect. I get the big picture. You don’t get the big picture. You think small. I understand your reasoning, but I disagree with you. Enough procrastination. Enough excuses. Do as I command. 

“Send a second embassy to Japan. Provide the boats and the sailors." 

Khubilai waved his hand and dismissed Chong’s objections. "Do it."

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