Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"It doesn't make sense!" I yell, "They shouldn't have even been able to drive my car because I've had the keys the whole time!"

"Do you have any spare keys to your car?"

"Yes, I have one spare key, but it's hidden."

"Go get the key," she says.


I hop off of my bed and walk into the bathroom. There is a vault against the wall where I keep several personal belongings including a spare key to my car and a spare key to Mrs. Xavier's apartment. I enter the combination code to the vault and it opens. Everything is in the vault. Except both of the keys.

"They're gone!" I yell as I run back into my bedroom, "Both keys are gone!"

"What do you mean both?!"

"The key to my car and the key to my neighbor's apartment!"


"I have to go to her apartment now!"

"Okay! I'm coming too!"

Stephanie and I bolt out of my apartment and in seconds we are standing outside of Mrs. Xavier's apartment pounding on her door.

"Emily?" Mrs. Xavier says, "Are you okay dear? You know it's getting late. Who's your friend?"

Mrs. Xavier has hair curlers in and a lime green facial mask on her face.

"This is Stephanie. You still have the key to my apartment right?!" I yell.

"Yes dear, I should. Why?"

"Can I see it to make sure?"

"Okay, just give me a moment dear."

Mrs. Xavier disappears into her apartment.

"I don't know why I'm so nervous Emily."

"Why not?! I'm freaking out!"

Mrs. Xavier appears at the door.

"Here it is!" she says.

I grab the key from her and examine it.

"This isn't the key!"

"Are you sure?!"


"What's going on dear?"

"I think someone broke into our apartments and stole our spare keys."

"What? How do you know?"

"Someone stole my car. I have it now, but it was moved. The spare key in my apartment to both my car and your apartment are gone and now the spare key you have to my apartment is gone."

"Oh no," Mrs. Xavier covers her mouth with her hand, "what do we do?"

"Is anything else missing?" I say.

"Not that I saw. And you?"

"Just those two keys."

"For now," Stephanie adds, "we're going to go talk to the manager to see if we can get the locks changed."

"I'll see you later," I say, "don't worry Mrs. Xavier. Everything should be fine."

"I won't dear. Please find out what's going on."

Stephanie and I then walk down the hallway as Mrs. Xavier closes the door to her apartment.

"Who do you think could have done it?" Stephanie says, "Who's been in your apartment recently?"

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