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We made it
chapter 50
thanks guys
(read the end of chapter please)


*Phil's pov

The door suddenly flew up while me and Riley were talking, mid sentence. It was Zoe and Louise.
"Oh..." I mumbled very quietly, enough for Riley to hear though
She slightly raised her eyebrow at me.
"Hi guys" I tried to say happily but I'm pretty sure I bombed it.
I saw from the corner of my eye, Riley waving to Louise and Zoe.
They sat down next to us.
It was a long awkward silence.

I saw them keep on taking glances at the rags on me and Riley's lower arm. Every time I caught them looking, they would pretend they weren't which makes things even more awkward.
It was a couple more minutes of silence until I decided to speak up. "So...Wha-"
Zoe cut me off immediately
"Hey...Phil...Can we talk to you for a sec...privately?" she stuttered greatly
"Um...Sure?" I replied
She took my arm and ran. Louise following
(a/n oooOOOO, cliffhangers are always fun)

*Pj's pov

*time skip until Pj is in the hospital
I asked the front desk lady what room was Dan in.
I went to the room.
I was greeted by a Daniel with a shit load of tubes and medical equipment inside of him. I sat next to him.
"Hey, buddy" I said softly
"You in London?" I said
He smiled and winced in pain as he.
A couple doctors came in
"Who are you?!" a tall man yelled in a stern voice
"I'm, Pj, Pj Liguori"
"Oh...er...um" I stuttered
"I'm his best friend"
He nodded
"Is this true Daniel?" the doctor asked
"Please, just call me Dan" he whispered due to his raspy voice
The doctor raised an eyebrow, still wanting the answer to his question.
"Yeah yeah, it's true"
The small group of doctors and nurses glanced at each other foe a second or so.
"Okay then..." the doctor mumbled
"Dan should be ready to go in a couple minutes" the doctor continued
A small beeping sound came from the heart rate monitor
"Oh shit..." I heard him quietly say
"3256z" he said
All the doctors and nurse started to do something with Dan, medical stuff
"I take the back Mr.Liguori, he'll be leaving in a couple hours or so" he screamed while trying to frantically do whatever he was doing to Dan.
"Okay" I replied in a slightly disappointed

Im genuinely so sorry about my very, non consistent updates
Er....Im sorry for the shitty chapter too
I haven't been in the best state to write this...sorry
I don't know what some of you depend on to stay happy and what not but I do know some of you have some "issues" at the moment and is having a rough time and my story brings you happiness and I'm sorry that. I failed to give you happiness...I should be ashamed...
Sorry that im being so hard on myself...
I don't know what to make of this story anymore to be honest...
Should I keep on going with this?
Ill try
I just have been on aweird writer's block....
Welp....ill try to make another chapter
Bye bye lovelies

thanks for 34k though

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