6-Catching Up With Sunoo

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'I was really about to just have some take out since it's already late but Director really did me a favor....'

He continues to savor his food when his phone rang.


"Hyuuuuunnnnnnggggggg I can't take it!!!!"

Jake smiled as he took another bite.

"Can't take what?"

"Oh I'm sorry. Are just still eating dinner? It's already late though?"

Jake almost choked.

"Sunoo-ah... Calm down. It's okay... Why did you call?"

He can hear Sunoo's sigh on the other line.

"Don't pout okay?"

"How'd you know I'm pouting??!?!"

Now Jake really laughed.

"Who do you take me for? Of course I know."

"Hmp. Anyways... Can you open your camera hyung? I want to see you..."

"Okay wait a moment."

Jake went to place his phone on the stand and opened his camera.

"Why is my lovely brother calling me at this hour?"

Sunoo has his face mask already, perhaps ready to sleep.

"Why are you only eating now??"

"We just finished with the meeting."

"At this late?"

Jake nodded as he finished the entire meal.

"Yes. It's just for today. My boss just happened to schedule his presentation this evening..."

Sunoo nodded and fixed the corner of his mask as he saw it on his screen.

"So...Why are you suddenly calling?"

Sunoo pouted again. Jake smiled.

'I missed that look.'

"Is it bad to call my one and only hyung?! You seemed to forget about me already!!! It's been like four days since you left!!!"

"It's not like it's bad...."

"I know! So I was worried about you but I told myself to wait for you to message me. But then I haven't heard anything from you yet so I took the risk to call you tonight... I know you're about to sleep so I thought it would be nice for us to have a chat first but here I'll see you still in the middle of eating your dinner?!"

Jake listened silently. That is just how Sunoo is. He knows how much the younger cares for him and so he just lets Sunoo voice out his thoughts.

"Calm down Sun...."

"Don't just call me Sun! I'm angry here!!!"

Jake just laughed again.

"Even if you just saw your hyung for the first time after four days?"

He can see how Sunoo stopped for a moment. Jake just stops his laughs.

"But still!!!!"

"Thank you for your concern... And I'm sorry if I forgot to call you okay? I was just busy with work..."

"What kind of work are you even doing now?! Hyung if they are just overworking you, you better leave whatever that is immediately!!!"

"Sunoo-ah.... It's alright... It was actually better than I expected and believe me, I'm enjoying it..."

Sunoo still looked unsatisfied. Jake grabbed his phone and placed his finished meal on the trash. He then flipped the camera and panned it on his suit for tomorrow.

"Look.... I dress like this at work Sun-ah... And my boss might be strict but he was the one who treated me my dinner today...."

He flipped the camera again and smiled to Sunoo.

"I actually thought I'll never last long but I'm almost a week working there..."

"Aren't you proud? I can confidently say that this is a very amazing job... And I can clearly sustain myself with this."

The silence on the other line is already an answer for Jake. But he just continued to smile and waited for Sunoo to talk.

"Are you sure you'll be fine with it?"

Jake nodded.

"I can't tell you where I'm working yet since it might get messy but believe me... I think I'll love my stay here..."

Sunoo just sighed once again and slumped on his pillows.

"Okay.... As long as my hyung is good..."

"Now... Shall I know what my cute younger brother has been up to?"

Sunoo's eyes brightened as he cleared his throat. Jake just prepares himself for a long conversation.

Despite it being long, he actually loves moments like this the most. It tells him that he still has someone he can actually tell how his day went with.

'I almost forgot that I also have people I could count on to...'

With the next 30 minutes, the two just engaged themselves into each other's story. And even if they won't say it, such action has completed each other's day.

Surprisingly enough, Jake's weekends went on a blur. It was just him fixing whatever things that is needed to be fixed on his unit.

He literally had a general cleaning at Saturday. And a very calming rest on Sunday. Monday came faster than he thought but maybe also because he is looking forward on his second week of work.

"Good morning Director Park."

Sunghoon almost raised an eyebrow.

'What has gotten him so cheerful in the morning?'

"My schedule?"

"You have no fixed schedule for today Director..."

Sunghoon nodded.

"Tell my members to prepare their presentations for later then..."

"Yes Director."

"But before that, I want my coffee first."

Jake nodded and dropped his bag. Sunghoon just watched him leave the room.

'Why's he so cheerful??'

'He seems to be in a good mood... Could that be because of last Friday's?'

Sunghoon shook his head.

'Why would he be so happy about it?'

Despite denying, Sunghoon remembered Jake's smile again.

'That was a very nice view...'

"Here is your coffee Director..."

Jake carefully placed the cup beside Sunghoon.

"Thank you... Prepare the meeting room beside your office."

"Yes Director..."

Sunghoon fixed his coat and checked Jake by the cctv.

'Now let's see how will they react about him...'

-Finally meeting the team! Let's wish Jake luck!!

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