A Very KILLER Halloween 🎃🍬

Start from the beginning

      It was finally the night to put the plan into action! While all the costumes and props were put into position before all the teams could arrive on campus, Nekozawa and I had some time to talk in the hall. "Everything is going to plan, master." I bowed to him slightly. He smiled and nodded, "Very good, minion. This well surely be a night filled with screams of torment and faces twisted with fear and anguish~" "I do hope so~"  Belzenef egged him to say something, basically pushing him to talk about something he clearly didn't want to bring up. "About my...proposal..." His voice trailed off towards the end. Oh, that's what he didn't want to bring up. We did kind of gloss over that, didn't we? "I didn't think Kyoya would get so jealous over that, but I'm sure he didn't mean anything against you. And I wasn't using you for that same reason as well, just to clear that up," I explained. He nodded bringing down his robes and taking off the wig, "I am aware...wielder of the dark arts." "What?" He looked at me with those big blue eyes, matching his little smile. "Rose, how you catch my heart in your dark dimension. If I can't have you as my queen, you'll still be part of my family. I care for you, that's why you have moved up into your rank." Really? I don't think I heard what he said, but it sounded like he was...promoting me? My smile grew 3 sizes at that moment, going to hug him tightly. I thanked him so much when he hugged me back, maybe hopping up and down from excitement. Flapping my hands around after letting him go, I laughed, "Is this stimming? I know I'm at least on the autism spectrum, but is this stimming?" He just laughed at me while I celebrated in my own way.

      The time has come. Honey kept watch and gave the signal on when Haruhi's team was walking in. First, you have to start small with the scares, so the perfect start was throwing a skull down the stairs. The sound of each plop on each step echoed through the place, making the group scream in fear. "This is a sneak attack by those A Team guys, right?" Kaoru stuttered. Hikaru sucked through his teeth, growling a bit, "It's not their turn yet! Follow the rules, will you?!" He kicked the skull back up with Kaoru clapping for him. It quickly pin balled back up until it hit me in the nose. I was about to scream out in pain, but Dayna held my nose while Savannah held me mouth shut so that Tamaki could go down in costume. I wanted to go and beat the absolute shit out of them for that, but the plan had to continue. I'll just wait until the day after. "Are you the ones who kicked my skull?" He wheezed out to make them scream even louder, separating into two other groups as they ran in opposite directions. "It's hurts so fucking bad," I whispered as Kyoya tried to mend my wound with Mori helping him. Oh, those boys are going to fucking pay!

      Hikaru and Haruhi ran one way where they were caught in our rope trap made mostly by Dayna and Sav, while their class rep and Kaoru ran the other way where they encountered many of our....'monsters.' Nonetheless, they found an empty room to be pushed into and locked in by the maid and secretary of Nekozawa. "My terror strategy was flawless," Nekozawa cackled. Smiling at his satisfaction, Belzenef tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to Kyoya. Nekozawa noticed as well, asking Kyoya, "Kyoya-kun, you're not joining in?" "No, I'm not." With some confidence in my bones, I walked to him and smiled big, "Trick or treat~" Looking over to me with his eyebrow raised, turning off his flashlight he was using to read his book, he turned completely to me. His hand going to my cheek, he went to softly kiss my bandage on my nose, "You deserve a treat more than a trick~" I got to admit, I froze up a bit with a little smile on my lips. It was a dream come true, there I said it!! Sav came up behind me and smirked, "Ooo~ Is that a little blush I see? Is Rose in love?" "You wanna be like Cinderella?" Dayna joined in. Oh, these bitches are gonna be the death of me.

      Haruhi's group ran back to the courtyard, meeting up with the other group that looked confused and somewhat angry. "We called off the test of courage to look for you!" I heard them tell the group. Now it was time for the finale! Nekozawa and I snuck our way to the glass dome over top of the two groups, seeing how good the shadows were with the moon. During this, we had Mori go down there with them to snap the picture. "Rose," Nekozawa got my attention. "This night has been filled with darkness and screams of the terrified. It wouldn't have been half as fulfilling without your assistance." I bowed to him, "Anything to join in on the fun." Belzenef clapped his hands for me as well, making me blush a small bit. "That's why," He walked to me, and handed me....Belzenef? "You will be giving them the final blow~" This was a honor I didn't feel like I deserved in the slightest. I didn't reject it out right though, since I knew he wouldn't not let me have this moment, but I did hesitate before finally putting Belzenef on my hand. "You ready, Belzenef?" He nodded, having a whole mind of his own. And just like that, we had won their little tournament without even knowing it. 

       The newspaper was plastered and given out throughout the whole school with a picture of me and Nekozawa as the winners of last nights Halloween challenge. Of course, I couldn't just let them forget this. I scared them shitless and you think I'm just gonna not rub it in their face? What else would you do?! Before the club opened up for the day, I was sitting on the couch pretending to read the newspaper. "Huh, I didn't know you guys were holding a contest of sorts? This is a total surprise to me~" I smirked as I made fun of them, laughing to myself. While I laughed, Tamaki looked over to the twins and nodded to them. He didn't have to say anything to tell them 'Do what you do best.' Without a second thought, they both tackled me and dragged me to the costume closet. The next minute, I come out wearing the official girls' uniform for the school - bow and everything. Scoffing, I shook my head, "Is this the best you got?" It only clicked when Renge walked into the room. They dressed me up...exactly like her. 

      Sav and Dayna both basically laughed out their fucking lungs looking at me. "Tamaki!" "You tried to curse me!" I growled, running at him, "I'll do more than curse you now!!"  

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