Chapter 3

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Few days passed and Athena always go to Rohan every day,she always flirts with Avery in front of Anna,making her jealous..Tonight was to much..They were having dinner when Anna dropped her fork,she leaned down and under the table,Avery's hands were on Athena's legs,massaging it..She fought the tears and proceeded eating..
Athena then left later that night and smirked proudly at herself

Anna was tired of hiding her anger and jealousy..She did not know what was coming

"I saw that,Avery"Anna said

"Saw what?"He asked innocently

"That you were purposely flirting with her in front of my face!"She exclaimed

He stood up from the couch and slowly approach her

"What was that?"He asked with a malice tone as he started to strangle her neck from soft to hardness

"Did you just raise your voice on me?"He asked calmly but rage was evident on his eyes and rapid breathing

"I-I"She stuttered

"Listen to me,woman!You dare accuse your husband!The king?!One more time and I will kill you!"He raised his voice

"Why are you defending her?What do you have with her?"Anna asked with tears falling freely

"Why?You really want to know?!"He asked tightening his grip......he was tired of hiding his affair from her and everyone

She nodded,wanting to know the answer

"Fine..Since you wanted to know so bad..Do not blame me or Athena..Do not cry helpessly in front of me because you asked for answers...Yes,Athena is better than you,she is a better kisser,she knows how to make my lust grow,she has a perfect body,she is powerful,she is attractive and beautiful...How about you?When I start to make love to you,you always deny it!You don't even give me an heir!"He shouted in anger and let go of his wife who gasped for air and fell on her knees

She looked up at him,crying,helpless,scared

"You kissed her?"She asked

"Yes,Yes I did"He said,very calm,monotone voice

"Please,my king...Make love to me if that is what you want..I-I will give you an heir"She helplessly cried out

He smirked and knelt down,tilting her chin

"Really?"He asked with a fake disbelief

"Yes,my king"She cried,tears spilling

He wiped her tears affectionately
"It's too late"He whispered
"I have found Athena to fill my desires..Look at you..If you wouldn't have denied everything,We should've been a perfect family..That's why I married you didn't I?"He asked

"What?"She asked with disbelief in her tone

"Yes,I married you to have an heir,I married you to have an entertainment in bed but turns out you gave me nothing,I used to want you,You may think I loved you but I didn't,You were a fool to think that...but now I found someone more aggressive and attractive..Now If you would try and act normal,You could still have the position as queen...You could go make out to that Vincent but I couldn't care less..Do not try to hurt Athena or I will end you in front of everyone"He said in a cold tone as he stood up,looking down at the shocked and helpless woman that was crying

"Suit yourself"He hissed and walked out

Next day,Athena came again with a fake smile plastered on her face,walking to the empty hall,straight to the throne room,Avery was alone,Slumped on his throne with closed eyes

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