Is it worth it?

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I would REALLY appreciate input on this story.


I lay silently under my blankets, still half asleep. Shimmering glimpses of my previous dream flash through my head and disappear again. I'm used to this though, ever sense the night of the crash my dreams always vanish before I can remember what happened.

***flashback of the night***

"...Nelly... Nelly, are you listening to me?" I snap my head in her direction and glared. I'd been practicing the look in the mirror of the girls bathroom and hoped it would get my point across.

"Why on Earth would I listen to you, when you don't listen to me?" My voice was approaching a yell. I just couldn't understand how my own mother could forget my graduation.

"Don't you use that tone with me young lady! You understand how important it is for your father and I to work, so you have the privilege to go to school. Now as I was saying before, what will you....? AAHHHH"

I heard a scream and once again looked at my mother, but fear filled my heart and I grabbed at anything I could to keep stable. As we had begun to cross the bridge a wolf dashed out in front of the vehicle and my father swerved to miss it. We began tumbling down the steep hill towards the river. Glass flew everywhere and my seat belt cut my neck as the sudden impact of the river brought the car to a stop.

Water began rushing in and I numbly grasped at my seat belt trying to get it off. Once it was undone I pushed at the door and nearly screamed as the rushing river held it shut. I winced in at the pain I knew was to come and slid out the broken window, which cut into my back and legs considerable more than I thought it would.

My body went limp as the cool water carried me to the surface and my eyes stung with the tear of hope that my parents had gotten out safely.

Eventually the water began to slow and the current pushed me to the shore. Black spots were fighting to take over my vision and I was losing the fight. Finally darkness came.

***flashback end***

The next thing I remembered after that was waking up in the hospital with a doctor standing next to me. She told me that both of my parents had died and I would be moved to a foster home in a week, or whenever my wounds had healed.

Now I was sitting in on a white bed, in a white room, that was empty except for a dresser and a door. I feel like I am in a prison, and basically I am.


What do you think? Should I write more?


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