The Book Of Law

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(Y/n) lifted his hand and read the datapad he was holding. This datapad consisted of a digital version of "The Book of Law", a Dathomiri book written by Allya, the exiled Jedi who six hundred years ago was exiled to Dathomir. Allya had taught the native women the ways of the force and written this book so that they wouldn't fall to the dark side as she once had.

Master Bultar had thought that if (y/n) read it it may have him a new appreciation for the magicks of Dathomir.

Daughters of Allya,
Learn these words and learn them well, for they are the foundations
that will increase your strength and keep you safe from harm.
Those who suffer emotion will never enjoy peace.
Those who choose ignorance will never know their own greatness.
Those who yield to passion will fail to dominate.
Those who fear death will never achieve pure power.
Never forget that your magic must always be used wisely.
Never concede to evil, lest you be consumed by it.

The words felt like a punch in the stomach. The Dathomirians had written instructions like these hey the men were still treated in most clans, such as the boys own, like they were second class citizens.

It made a bit of sense that tribes like the nightsisters were still evil, they had been formed by sisters who had fallen to the dark side. But why did other tribes which still only focused on the light side Allyan Magick still have to act similarly?

(Y/n) pushed those thoughts from his head and focused back on the book. He scrolled down the page, now arriving on the one spell he had used years ago. As good a place to start as any. (Y/n) picked up a small Dathomiri crystal from the table and started chanting. "Choono slalem denni tay'lori olee-ay" the boy repeated the word even though they left a rotten taste in his mouth. He focused on the crystal in his hands before turning the bat that had died on his windowsill a couple nights ago.

As the boy chanted his words became more distorted and loud. A green mist burst out of his eyes and mouth. The mist also went through his hands and into the crystal. Suddenly all the mist floated towards the dead creature and forced its way into its body.

The mist slowed down and (y/n) quickly turned to look at the dead animal. His eyes still let out mist as they flickered the same shade of green, like there were little flames inside of them.

The dead creature slowly stood up and turned to (y/n). It's eyes also shone and let out the mist.  The bat hissed before flying into the boys room and landing on his hand.

"This is weird" the boys voice echoed in an evil sounding tone. The creatures eyes seemed to be cold and dead despite the fire like green that flickered through them.

"Go back to your nest" the bat flew back to its next and sat down.

(Y/n) closed his eyes and focused on stopping this power. He heard a small thud before opening his eyes. He was no longer giving off a green mist. The bat had collapsed into its nest, no longer undead.

(Y/n) put his crystal and the datapad back on the desk before letting out a yawn. This was more tiring than he remembered.

(Y/n) lay his head on the desk before closing his eyes.  

Word count: 602

(Thoughts on the parenthetical comma? I like it)

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