"Y'all are adorable," a voice said from the doorway. Standing there was Max, leaning against the frame with her arms crossed. "Oh my god, Max! Don't sneak up like that!" Robin exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air. Max laughed, then started to walk away, but stopped and turned back. "I totally called it, by the way. Congrats." And with that, she descended down the stairs and left us standing there.

"Oh my god," I laughed. "Hey, that's one less person we have to tell." Robin smiled, then came back over to me, offering her hand.  "We've been gone for a while, we should go back down." I nodded then took her hand. "You ready?" I took a deep breath and nodded, so Robin led me down the stairs back to our friends.

When we returned, Steve and Johnathan were arm wrestling, while the kids sat and watched, cheering for them. Robin slowly walked behind Steve, then stuck her finger in her mouth — then put it in Steve's ear. Steve screamed, and let go of Johnathan's hands, swatting at Robin. "WHAT THE HELL?" "Ha, I win!" Johnathan exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air. The living room broke into a chorus of boo's and cheers, and I looked over to Robin. She had her head thrown back, yelling something at Steve as he continued to swat at her. Of all the people I could fall in love with, I wasn't expecting it to be Robin Buckley. But I'm so glad I did. Robin pushes Steve off of her, running her fingers through her hair. She glanced over at me and raised an eyebrow. Shit, I'm staring. I averted my eyes to the floor.

We sat in the living room for a little longer before I decided it was time. I slowly got up and walked over to Johnathan, tapping him on the shoulder. "Hey, come here. I wanna show you something." He looked confused, but obliged nonetheless. We started up the stairs, but I leaned back. Robin looked at me and smiled, giving me a thumbs up. I smiled back before walking after Johnathan.

"So Nance, what's up?" he asked, sitting on the edge of my bed. Oh god, here we go. "I'm just gonna go out and say it. It's been kind of hard maintaining our relationship," I started. "You're thousands of miles away, and we barely even call as it is. I just think it'd be better..." "Better if we stay friends?" Johnathan said. I turned to him, then nodded slowly. "I agree. It HAS been hard..." He said. "It's difficult to keep feelings for someone you haven't seen for months." I nodded my head in agreement. We sat, silent for a moment, before a knock at the door. "Time for dessert!" Joyce said from the other side. "Shall we?" Johnathan said, opening the door and bowing. I rolled my eyes, "You're such a dork," before following him down the stairs.

We walked down the stairs together, but split up at the bottom; Johnathan went to get dessert, I went back to the living room, where Robin sat with a slice of pie. When I sat down next to her, she immediately sat the plate down and turned her body to look at me.


"How'd it go?" I asked, turning to Nancy. "It went... really well, actually. It was mutual, and he agreed that we should stay friends," Nancy breathed. "That's good, that's good. See, I told you it'd turn out okay," I smiled. She chuckled quietly before placing her head on my shoulder. People slowly started to file into the room, but we remained as we were. I felt Nancy snuggle into my side, quietly humming a tune. I noticed Steve and Johnathan looking at us as they talked, and Steve mouthed something that I couldn't read. Little punk. I'm glad he took us well. Dustin walked into the room and interrupted their conversation, pulling Steve outside, the rest of the kids following behind. "Robin," Dustin called. "Come on! We're gonna play a game." I looked down at Nancy, then back up at him, and gave him a thumbs-up. "I'll be there in a second," I said. He nodded, then followed the rest of the gang outside.

I looked down and smiled at Nancy. "Nance," I whispered. "You gotta get up, we're all going outside." She didn't respond. Oh my god, she fell asleep. "Nance," I said louder. "I heard you," she muttered. "I just don't wanna go." I laughed before moving Nancy slightly to the side. "Come on Nance, it'll be fun." She huffed before getting up, rubbing her eyes. I stood up behind her, and wrapped my arm around her shoulder before we joined the rest of the kids outside.

(Sorry for so many POV changes lol)

I leaned against the porch column, watching the kids play in the yard. Will, Dustin, Mike, and Steve were shooting inviable fireballs at each other, while Max was teaching Lucas and El how to skate in the street. Robin was frantically running around the yard, pretending to dodge the fireballs and throw them back at the kids. God, she's adorable. The kids continue with their little fights, and the adults start to join us outside. "They're adorable, aren't they?" Joyce says to my mom. She nods, crossing her arms and watching the kids. The kids move on from a fireball fight to a pretend war, with Mike, Eleven, Dustin, and Steve on one side, and Robin, Will, Lucas and Max on the other. They start shooting each other, invisible bullets flying through the air, narrowly missing limbs.

"So," Johnathan says, walking up next to me. "Hm?" I said, turning to face him. "Did you love me?" he asked. Well that's an odd question. "I did. I do. I just love you in a different way now," I said. He nodded, then turned to face the kids. "It's always been Steve, yeah?" I looked over to the yard.

Robin is in the middle of the fight, running at the opposing side, invisible guns-a-blazing. Halfway across the grass, she collapses. Robin starts rolling on the ground, Will and Dustin hovered over her. "Someone get a medic!" Dustin cried. "She bleeding out!" Will said. "Oh the horror!" Robin said dramatically, shaking her body around. "Tell my mother... I love her." Then she closed her eyes, and went still.

"No, actually." It's her.

[The End]

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