I would normally place the body on a chair and have a machete carve their heart or intestines out, but today I don't feel like it. Lucky you. I wonder what would happen if he woke up? Would he scream relentlessly, would he be awake at all times, scared to death of me torturing him? I'd have to get soundproof walls to find out.

I walked out of my room and met Brielle the luna-to-be and Cloud, my girl bestfriend.

"Kate!" Brielle shouted.

"Yes luna?"

"No need to be so formal,"

Brielle continued, "Cloud and I need your help."

"With what?"

"We'll just show you!" Cloud chimed in.

I followed the two beautiful women down the stairs, into the cell room and to a door.

They opened the door and I was met with an empty room.

"We were wondering if-"

"You want me to make another cell?" I interrupted Cloud.

"Yeah." she muttered.

Well, this is going to be a long day.

"I'll finish that up soon." I said.

Brielle squealed, "Thank you! I need I could trust you!"

The girls left.

Firstly, I have to go on that run or else Celest will be mad.

"Damn right I will!"


I teleported in front of the pack house and startled Jenna.

"Oh, its just you," she sighed.

"What do you mean 'just me'?! Am I not special enough!?"

Jen giggled, "You are special."

I grunted and went behind a tree to shift. Jen did too.

"Give me control!"


I let Celest take over and watch her. No one really runs with me because of my title, guess Celestia was glad to have a friend.

"Woah, Rose you look pretty!" Celest said.

Standing infront of us was a medium sized wolf with extremely pale orange fur. Rose's eyes resembled Jen's since they were ocean blue.

"Hun, look at you!"

I wouldn't say we were that pretty-

"Shut up, we are stunning."

"Overconfident much?"

Celest was a light blue wolf. I still don't know how she was my favourite colour.

"Excuse me, we were meant to be together!"

Yeah, yeah. She was large and had icy blue eyes resembling mine. And because of our title, she's got a knife imprint on her paw.

After The Run

"No offence, but Rose's stamina runs out quick."


I was in my bedroom and was on my bed. I would've gone on a killing spree if some killjoy didn't say no.

I normally always have something to do, but today's really turning out boring. Plus, I don't feel like seeing any more blood. Weird.

Wait! Dont I have that cell to finish up? Oh my goodness, I am so fricking stupid.

I teleported back to the room. The quick and easy way.

Dylan's POV:

"Do you ever shut up?"

"I regret being paired with a idiot like you."

"I dont wanna fucking hear it bastard! I'm in control, and whatever I say, happens."

"I feel so sorry for my mate."

"I hope she's dead."

"I hope you get kicked of your title and get eaten by rogues!"


Short chapter cuz I have no ideas. :>

From a 'Useless Omega' to a 'Daring Lone Wolf'Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat