Chapter 10

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| T A Y L O R ' S P O V |

"Jack" I whined as he cleaned up the blood that covered my foot. We were on Sammy's sisters boat a little while ago and I stepped on oysters which had sliced my foot open.


"Jack look at all the pretty scenery!" I pointed.

"Come with me" I smiled up at him.

"I'll be right there, I have a missed call from my mom, be careful, okay?" he said. He held his phone to his ear as I jumped in the shallow water. I walked through the somewhat shallow water up to the island.

"Ow ow ow uh ow fuck" I jumped back lifting my foot up. I almost fainted when I saw my foot.

"Jack Sammy Jack someone oh my god" I screamed.

Jack (G) looked and dropped his phone as soon as he saw me and jumped off the boat swimming over to me.

"What did you do? Jesus Taylor" He said grabbing me and walking carefully back to the boat.

"Hey we gotta go, NOW" Jack said to my brother.

"Taylor what the fuck" Sammy said sitting next to me on the cusion. He rested his hand on my leg and looked at my foot.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Can we just go?!" I spit, tears coming to my eyes as the pain got worse.

"I was just asking if you were okay" He said rubbing his hand up and down my leg.

Jack, Mike, and my brother got back on the boat and Jack was furious.

"Get your fucking hand off my girlfriend" Jack pushed Sam.

"Calm down bro" He lifted his hands walking to the steering and starting the motor, mike lifting the anchor.

"What happened?!" My brother asked freaking out.

"I don't know! I just was walking and I got a sharp pain in my foot and now this is it" I say crying and lifting my foot, the cusion red from blood.

"Fuck moms going to kill me" He says rubbing his face and walking to the back of the boat.

"Mom I gotta go, ok? I'll call you tonight" Jack said and then locked his phone. He wrapped a towel around my foot and I screeched out in pain. He came and lifted my head and then sat and laid my head back down on his lap.

"I'm sorry" I frowned.

"what?" He asked looking down at me, Sympathetically.

"I'm sorry for being an idiot and cutting my foot" I say crying lightly as i still feel the sharp pain.

"Hey, it's ok" He said wiping my tears.

"It hurts" i say clenching my fist and hiding my face as his fingers went through my hair.


"FUCK" I yelled as he poured peroxide into the cut.

"Shut the fuck up" He said.

"I fucking hate you" I screamed crying as my foot stung.

"Ow Jack, what the hell! That hurts" I cried and yanked my foot back as he began to dab the cut.

"Deal with it or go to the hospital" He said, he sounded angry?

"Fucking baby" He mumbled.

"Just go away" I say grabbing my phone and calling Mike, as Jack just left.

(M- Mike, T-Taylor)

M- Hello?

T- Come into my room and in the bathroom please.

M- Okay what do you need?

T- Can you take me to the hospital?

M- Of course I'm coming in now

I hung up after that and he walked in.

"Thank you so much" I say as grabbed me off the counter and walked me out.

"Anytime" He says going into the living room, Sam on younow, and Jack sitting on the couch texting.

"Hey can one of you hand me my keys?" He asks gesturing toward the keys on the coffee table. Sam grabbed them and handed them to me, Jack didn't even look up from his stupid phone. I rolled my eyes and we went outside.

"He's such a fucking asshole sometimes" I said through gritted teeth.

"Don't take it personally, he's like this quite a lot" He says putting me in the passenger seat. My foot was still bleeding so we wrapped it in a towel.


"Thank you" I say to the doctor as mike and I walked out of the hospital, well I crutched.

"This is going to suck" I say Mike helping me get in the car. It was really dark considering it was 11:30.

"At least it's not for long" He says starting the car and putting on "trap queen." I just nodded and we drove back to the house.

My brother walked out when we pulled up and warned us that there's a bunch of people over and drinking. Fucking great.

I hobbled inside on crutches and it reaked. I saw sam playing beer pong and Jack watching with a blonde bimbo on his lap.

Today was the worst.

I went into the room that wasn't anyone's and luckily no one was in there. I sat down and just cried silently.

"Do you want me to make you something to eat?" Mike asked.

"No thank you" I wiped my tears.

"I'll get you a water" He says closing the door.

| M I K E ' S P O V |

"I'll get you a water" I say closing the door and walking over to Jack.

"I hope you feel just fucking great with this skank on your lap. Your girl is in the other room with a cast and 27 stitches in her god damn foot, crying because of you, you asshole. You don't deserve her" I say as he sat there looking at me like I had two heads.

"Hope you're happy though. Seems to be all you care about. Only yourself." I add walking away and grabbing a water and walking back to Taylor's room.


"Thank you, for everything" she says hugging me. She had just vented to me about Jack and cried letting all her feelings out.

"I'm always here Taylor, just know that" I say.

"I should've just went back to Cali with Cameron instead of coming here" She replied rubbing her face.

"Everything will be okay in the morning, don't worry. I'm going to go to sleep" I say.

"Goodnight" I add. When I walked out I saw Jack standing by the door.

"You need to go away" I say, everybody was gone except the guys and her.

"Shut the fuck up. Let me see her" He said.

"Hey just because you don't have the skank here, you think you can just come back with taylor? Not happening." I answer.

"Mike get the fuck away" He replied.

"You get the fuck away. She doesn't want to see you"

"Whatever. Fuck her. I didn't like her anyway. Just wanted her to handle my needs, which didn't even happen." He says walking away.

Fucking asshole.

| T A Y L O R ' S P O V |

I heard it all.

And I really wish I hadn't.

Brothers Best Friend (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now