Chocolate is the best!

"Two double scoop ice-creams, one chocolate and one strawberry please." Harry asked the lady behind the counter. 

"Yep, anything else?" She asks.

"Umm, I'll have a cheese scone please and- Lou? anything else for you?"

"No thank you." I hum leaning against him.

He rubs my side gently and I blush as the butterflies flutter around in my tummy.

Now me and Harry are sitting down at a table in the corner of the café, he's finished his ice-cream and is now starting his scone, and I'm about half way done with my ice-cream. 

"What?" I giggle, noticing him staring at me.

He smiles and shakes his head, reaching down to get a napkin. "You have a chocolate mustache."

My eyes widen and I blush embarrassed. I quickly try to grab a napkin but Harry has one already, he brings it up to my face and gently wipes above my lip.


"No problem."

Harry holds his hand out for me to take as we walk back to the car. This afternoon has been so fun! I don't want it to end.

Maybe it doesn't have to.

Should I ask him?

What is he says no!? 

Agh,  I'm too nervous to ask.

We get in the car and he begins to back out of the spot. I bite my lips nervously and fiddle with my hands in my lap. I sneak a quick look at him but at the same time he looks at me, I quickly turn my head back around embarrassed.

I feel his hand slide over my leg and grab my thigh.

"Why are you getting all shy?" He laughs.

I cover my face with my hands to hide my blush.

"You're blushing." He teases, caressing my upper thigh.

"No I'm not!" I giggle loudly.

"Yes you are." He sings.

He smiles at me and I smile back shyly.

"Whats on your mind, hm?" He asks softly.

I take a deep breath, why not?

"Do you um- d-do you want to maybe come back to my place?" I look up at him nervously, waiting for his reaction.

His hand freezes on my thigh and then slowly retracts.

Oh no I've blown it.

"Why would that be a good idea Lou?"

"What do you mean?" 

"What will your parents say? I'm 23 and your 17."

I paused for a moment. 

It's ok Louis.

"M-my parents aren't home, and my brother honestly won't care."


"And it's not like we'll you know- be doing anything, right?"

I hold my breath and look out the window, what am I doing?

I hear his laugh. "Right. I guess I could come over but I can't be late, it's a school night you know."

I let out my breath and giggle. 

"Harry! We're supposed to be hanging out, don't bring up school!"

He looks at me and starts laughing too.

Teacher x Student (Larry Stylinson) *ON GOING*Where stories live. Discover now