"I'm so sorry sir, I forgot to set my alarm." I apologized.

He shook his head disappointedly which made me sad. I didn't want to disappoint anyone. 

He lead me to his desk and handed me a slip. "Detention after school."

I sighed and walked over to my seat.


Just as I start to fall asleep the bell rings signaling the end of class. I jump up and collect my things before rushing out of the classroom, I have music next and I'm super excited! Today we start our assessment/project on paintings.

As I make my way down the corridor to the art block I pass Mr. Styles who is walking and talking with one of the other English teachers, Miss Walker. He gives me a slight nod so that I would only notice and then I give a big smile back and skip past.

I swear I see a slight smile flash across his face.

I enter the classroom and walk over to my desk but slow down when I notice a girl sitting in my usual seat.

Hm, I don't recognize her, she may be new. She could be a new friend!

I smile to myself and sit down in the seat next to her, she looks up from the book she was reading and smiles.

"Hi." She says. 

She has a sweet voice.

I smile back. "Hi!" 

"Are you new? I haven't seen you here before." I question her.

She puts a bookmark in her book and turns her body around to face me. 

"I am new, todays actually my first day." 

I gasp. "Oh my goodness, welcome! My names Louis."

He laughs and nods her head. "Well Louis, nice to meet you, my names Hazel."

That's a nice name.

"Hi Hazel, you have nice hair."

"Well that was random but thank you! You have nice hair too."

I smile brightly at her and blush, I think we're gonna be good friends.

Hazel hmm... I scan my eyes over her to take in her appearance. She has beautiful long, blonde frizzy hair that's currently in a messy plate with pale skin and freckles along her nose. She also has Hazel eyes! How ironic. 

"You have Hazel eyes!"

"I do."

"That's funny. Do you know anyone else here yet?" I ask her.

She shakes her head. "Nope, you're the first friend I've made."

I smile even wider. "That's awesome! You can hang out with me then, I don't have that many friends here."

"That's fine, I don't like big groups of people." She says.

"We're going to be great friends I recon."

"Me too!"

Just then our teacher walks through the door to start our lesson.

"Hey why don't we meet up at lunch, I can show you around the school if you like?" I whisper to her.

"Sure that sounds great." She smiles.

I have  a good feeling about her. 

After art I quickly make my way towards my locker and grab the books I'll need for my next class. I then make my way towards the back entrance of the school we're me and Hazel agreed to meet up. That's where her locker is and I thought it'd be easier if I walk over to hers so she doesn't get lost. 

"Ready to go?" I ask her.

She nods he head and closes her locker door.

She gives me her timetable and I walk us around the whole school, showing her which of the classes are hers. I also introduce her to a few teachers we go past. We talk about anything and everything, our favourite foods, colours, animals, our friends and so on. 

I found out her favourite colours are baby blue and yellow, she loves reading and could read all day long, her favourite foods our chocolate ice cream and McDonald's chips. She's originally from Leicester but moved here because her dad got a new job, she has one younger sister called Leila and her favourite season is winter. 

"Whos that?" She asked nodding to the left.

"Hm? Oh that's Mr. Styles, my English teacher." I tell her.

He looks so good today.

"Oh? Do you think we'll be in the same English class?" 

"Let me see your timetable," I say taking it off her, "Uhhh yep! Looks like you are." 

Yes I won't be alone anymore.

"Cool." She nods her head.

We carry on walking around the school and talking about anything that comes to mind until the bell rings. I walk her to her social studies class and then make my way to P.E.

I can't wait to tell Harry about my new friend!


Question of the Chapter: Whats your name? 

Also a random question, are you guys more excited for DWD or My Policeman?

Any requests?

Teacher x Student (Larry Stylinson) *ON GOING*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant