Facts #169

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Cutest quote goes to... Fallen Leaves :D (don't ask I just really liked this quote..)

"I will walk with you, my friend, as you once walked with me. I could not leave you here to walk alone, when you walked with me like a brother." - Fallen Leaves to Jaypaw in Dark River.

Thanks  @unicorncheng for the first two facts and @bubblykitty235 for the last!


-Although being younger than Lilyheart and Seedpaw, Dewpaw and his siblings were apprenticed first. Vicky has said the reason for this will be explained in Dovewing's Silence. This was never touched upon, however.

-Vicky thinks that Appledusk genuinely loved Mapleshade, but not more than his position in RiverClan and his reputation as a loyal warrior.

-In the allegiances of Starlight, Spiderpaw is incorrectly listed as Cloudtail's apprentice.

-In The Last Hope, it is noted that Spiderleg has known Mousefur and Purdy longer than any cat in ThunderClan. However, at the time, there are many cats still living in ThunderClan that have known Mousefur much longer, such as Firestar, and Bramblestar and Squirrelflight have known Purdy longer than any cat in the Clan.

-Another reason why Redtail and Lionheart were killed off is because two leaders (Redstar and Lionstar) already existed.

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