.Chapter Twenty-Seven.

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The ritual took place in Nathan's room, and salt was scattered on the threshold of the door and on windowsills. Various bowls of water sat in specific pinpoints around the room. Somewhere, incense burned. 

Nathan sat on the edge of his bed, nerves wracking his body. Nervous didn't even begin to describe how he felt. Cold sweat dampened his T-shirt, and anxiety made him fidget. 

The lights went out, and the only light came in from the last rays of sunlight and the candle. 

Evie sat next to Nathan's bed, deadly calm on her face. In the dim light, she appeared otherworldly. Her hair flowed into shadow, and her pale face was gaunt but beautiful. A beautiful nightmare. 

"Nathan, I need you to lie back," Sage said. 

In her hands she held a tiny, short bowl. Smoke curled over the lip of the bowl as if she was burning something. She knelt beside the bed. 

"I need you to relax. Can you do that?"

Nate nodded. 

"Good. Now take a deep breath."

He inhaled the fumes of whatever was in her bowl. He suddenly felt light-headed and dizzy. 

What? he tried to say, but his tongue was too heavy to move. 


Tiredness lapped at the edges of his vision. 

"Don't be afraid," Evie whispered. 

Her face swam out of focus and he closed his eyes. 

A/N: I know this is a short chapter, but it was necessary! In the next chapter... you will find out who the murderer is! I'm a little afraid to be honest. What is it is a disappointment? Ah, the stresses of being an author. :P

Comment below who you think it should be!

-Sophia ^_^

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