Hold On? Rewind

24 1 0

Track one: Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez


S1 Ep 2 Rewind


A retelling of the events of the last 24 hours from the parents' perspective as they prepare for the PRIDE Meeting.


The teens sprinted through the dimly lit halls, the sound of their shoes squeaking against the polished floors echoing around them. The tension was palpable, a mixture of fear and adrenaline propelling them forward. They didn't dare stop after what they had witnessed, the image still fresh and horrifying in their minds. Whether or not their parents had seen them or the flash remained unclear, but the possibility of being caught filled them with fear. "Hurry!" Alex shouted, leading the group with determined urgency. Nico, Zari, Karolina, Chase, Ethan, Molly, and Gert followed close behind, their breaths coming in quick, shallow gasps.

"What if they didn't see us?" Nico asked, her voice tinged with a blend of hope and desperation as she pushed herself to keep up.

 Zari felt the adrenaline coursing through her veins, her mind was a whirlwind of confusion and fear, struggling to make sense of the nightmarish turn of events.  

Ethan's thoughts raced as he ran. In his confused state, he tried to convince himself that there had to be a logical explanation for what they had seen. His mind clung to the hope that there was more to the story, something that could make sense of the chaos.

"Well, then, we're getting in our cardio"! Chase replied

"They definitely saw something". Karolina noted kind of out of breath

Ethan chimes in "The flash didn't help."

"Way to go, Molly!" Gert said looking back at her sister.

"I said sorry"! Molly yelled.


For a moment, the parents stood in confused silence, their eyes fixed on the balcony where the mysterious flash had originated. Catherine and Geoffrey exchanged a quick, worried glance before hurrying off to investigate.

"There was some kind of flash of light," Leslie guessed, her eyes scanning the group for confirmation. "Or it could have been a reflection from the staff's sound barrier," Tina suggested, raising her staff. As it lit up, the barrier shimmered and then fully closed down, enveloping the area in a protective shield.

Bruce and Michael exchanged uncertain looks. Michael closed his eyes and when he reopened them, they glowed a stark white. Using his powers, he scanned the balcony thoroughly but found nothing. Shaking his head, he looked back at Bruce, who sighed in frustration. "I don't see anything," Michael reported, his eyes returning to their normal color. 

"We need to be cautious," Catherine said, returning with Geoffrey.

 "Whatever it was, it can't be good." The parents gathered closer, their faces etched with concern and determination. The flash had rattled them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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