Hello Again

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"Are you sure you don't want a candy?" My son Bobby asked Matilda since they both are at the back of the car.

"No thanks!" Matilda replied with a happy tone. A smile formed on my face when I witnessed their small talk while driving.

I know you are wondering who his father is, and yes you guessed it right. Richard is the sperm donor. After I left, I have been fighting my demons and just want to go back to him. It took me months to realize that I needed to move forward. No turning back.

When I confirmed that I was indeed pregnant. I made up my mind and just look at the future rather than the past. I know not telling him about his son is a selfish act but I was hurt and devastated. I wanted revenge and by not telling him was my way of doing it to him.

When we left the school, we went straight to my son's classmate place since he went to attend a party. He turned 7 years old and 4 months ago. Since his classmates house is opposite to the direction of where Matilda's uncle is staying. We drove a bit longer than the norm.

"Is Teacher Lily your sister?" Her question made me laugh that earned a frown from my son.

"No! She is my MOM!!" He protested. Poor baby. Alot of people thought that Bobby was my younger brother since he looks a lot like me. Excluding his brown hazel eyes, right side dimple on his face that instantly appears without him even smiling and a mole at that bottom side of his left cheeks that he got from his father. And the rest are identical to mine.

"Really!?" was her only response with a shock expression on her face before pausing then talked again.

"I wish Teacher Lily is my Mom too." It pains me to see the Happy Matilda to be all sad.

"She is my Mom but we can share if you want.." That's my boy. Bobby always has a soft spot when he notice that other people are sad. For a 7 year old boy he sure is mature enough to think that way.

"I like that!!! We are heeeeereeeeee..." I laugh when I saw the old Matilda Again. Jumping and grinning like a cheshire cat. We where asked to stop at the gate and Matilda talked to the guards. As soon as the gates opened. A Beautiful victorian mansion stood still.

"Wow! Nice place!" I said it out loud that caused her to say "I know right!!" I guess she adores his uncle so much since her reaction is like a kid who got what she want for christmas.

I parked the car near the entrance and she exited the car as fast as lightning. I went out of my car and an already amazed Bobby was standing outside the front door. I grabbed his hand and went inside to find Matilda to bid her farewell.

"Excuse me. Are you Ms. Littleton?" A butler all wearing black and white with shiny black shoes stood in front of me with a smile on his face.

"Yes, My name is Lily Littleton but you can just call me Lily and this is my son Bobby." I told him and he just nodded.

He looked at my son and from the expression on his face. He is trying to fight a question but it took a few seconds before he let it go.. "And here I thought he was your baby brother." Bobby heard it again and made him groan.

"She is my Mommy!!!" Oh boy!

I bend down and kissed his forehead. "Of course you are my son. Just don't mind what other people say ok? You know that mommy loves you so much!" He stopped from his protest and gave me a smile and a hug.

"I do apologize. You seem to young to be a mom- I am not judging and all." He was now babbling. Maybe taken aback from what he said.

"None taken. And I get that a lot as well. I am already 28 so yeah. I feel old enough as it is.." He nodded but the amusement on his face is still plastered. He was about to speak but something caught his eyes then he froze. I was curious as to why he just stood their and barely moving. I followed his gaze and ended up looking at my son. He is looking at a painting with a frown on his face. I didn't get to follow his gaze since I was amused at his expression. I smiled and patted his hair that got his attention then looked at me before giving me his adorable smile.

Love Is Sweeter The Second Time Around [Completed]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz