My Life Now

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"Class dismissed!"

"Teacher Lily?" I looked down and saw Matilda. My 8 years old student.

"Yes Matilda!? How can I help you?" She had her head down and playing with the hem of her cute floral blouse.

"Can you please call my dad for me?" Matilda was always the first one to exit the classroom right after the bell rings.

"Sure sweetie. Do you have a phone with you so that I can call him?" I asked her and she shakes her head in response telling me she don't own one with eyes full of sadness.

"I see. Well, then. Let me just finish tidying my table then we will go to my office. Ok?" She gave me a soft nod and went back to dropping her head down.

I can tell she is having trouble and it pretty much involves her family. I quickly cleaned my desk and grabbed her hand gently then went straight to my office. I look for the file that has all my students contact numbers on who to call for emergency purposes and I had it since they first enrolled.


"Hi! Good afternoon. Is this Mr. Reynolds? Matilda's father?" We are now at my office and I am on the phone talking.

"Yes, and whatever it is I am in between a meeting. Can you please call again!!" he dropped the call after dismissing me rudely. Meeting? A woman's voice moaning is considered a meeting? God! This is the reason why I never had another male species in my life since my break up with HIM. And that was 8 years ago. I know, Bitter much? But I have had my share of heartache and I am not prepared for another one. Even after many years. Besides, I have someone worth my time and affection.

"Is he coming to get me Teacher Lily?" Hearing her sad voice broke my heart and just remembering his father having an afternoon make-out session made my blood boil. I was aware that his father is a well known businessman and his wife is million of miles away from here since she is a fashion designer.

"He was still in a meeting sweetie. Is there something you want to tell me?" She was hesitating at first but then talked.

"I don't want to stay at my house Teacher Lily. Only nanna is there at my house but she doesn't even go outside of her room. I was gonna ask dads permission if I am allowed to stay at my uncles place?" she said in her cute little voice.

"Let me just call him again and ask him ok?" I gave her an encouraging smile that she nodded in response with A little smile that is coming from her as well.

"Wait for me here..." I left her inside my office and decided to talk to his father outside since I know I might resort to raising my voice. It rang 3 times then someone picked the phone up but I heard shuffling and murmuring. "What do you want!!?"

"Well good afternoon to you too!" He was quite for a second then murmured a good afternoon. See, we can be civil here. I cleared my throat and resumed talking. "Mr. Reynolds. My name is Lily and I am Matilda's Teacher. Now, If you noticed. I was the one who called you the first time but was rudely cut off without even listening to the reason for my call. But since I got your attention. Let me just remind you again that you have a beautiful daughter waiting for you here. But since you are very BUSY playing tonsil hockey. Let me just ask you a very quick question. Is she allowed to stay at her uncles place?" I know my tone was harsh and I might have crossed the line but disregarding parental duties is A major Offense for me. I can tell he was able to absord what I just said since he cleared his throat before responding "Yes, and I will ask someone to driver her there-" and then what? Wait for another hour? Letting this poor child wait all day? Hell no!

"No need to Mr. Reynolds. I will personally drop her there to ensure that she went home SAFE AND UNHARMED. Now, I don't want to take much of your BUSY TIME. Goodbye.." Then I ended the call. If he does make a report for my behavior then I might as well go all the way and give him a piece of my mind.

I composed myself and went back to face Matilda. "Your dad said it's ok for you to stay at your uncles place and I will personally drop you there.." Hearing the news made her jump for joy and I laughed at her adorable action.

"Come now! But first we will pick someone up along the way ok?!" She nodded and we went our merry way.

Love Is Sweeter The Second Time Around [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now