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"It's all we got, Honey." Mom straighten my blue, graphic shirt. "Fine. I guess it could work." I exhaled. "Now, go before you're late on your first day." Mom pushed me out the door.

"Bye!" I waved before walking off to the new school.


"Hey! You don't want to sit there. Timmy over there has serious stomach attacks." I warned the new kid. He had white hair, skinny jeans, a blue hoodie, and had black combat boots.

"Uh." He started to say and sat down on another seat. "New kid huh?" Bunny, from behind me asked the new kid. "Yeah." He answered, unpacking his stuff.

"I'm Tooth and this is Bunny." I introduced myself to him. "I'm Jack." Jack smiled. "Hey, come sit with us at lunch, we could maybe talk about something." I shrugged before turning to the front.

"I'd like that." Jack smiled then looked at the teacher.

-A Few Classes Later-


We sat down under a tree, for shade. I don't really like having to skip a class but if it meant having friends, I'll do whatever.

"Ah, P.E is starting." Bunny leaned back to the tree trunk. "Ugh, the Dixie cups." Tooth said in disgust. "What's that?" I looked over to the gym class that was going on.

"It's this group. Not even group, teen royalty." Bunny pointed to some girls. "That blonde one with the braid?" Tooth pointed to. "She thinks germs lead to ugliness, which leads to death." Tooth said.

I looked over at her, "What's her name?" Tooth coughed a bit before answering. "Elsa Winters."

"And that little one with the strawberry blonde hair?" Bunny pointed to a short girl with two braids, chatting on her phone. "That's Anna Winters, she's one of the dumbest girls you'll ever meet."

"She once asked me where was the U.S." Tooth butted in. "And last but not least, Rapunzel Corona. She's the queen bee of the two girls. She knows everything about everyone." Tooth pointed to a long blondie being carried by jocks.

"That's why her hair is so long, it's full of secrets." Bunny whispered which made me laugh.

"Now where you sit in the cafeteria is crucial." Tooth said.


You got your Asian nerds. Cool Asians. Jocks, sexually active bandmates, Girls who eat their feelings, girls who don't eat anything, the greatest people you will ever meet. And the worst.


"Is this fatty? I want to lose three pounds." Punzie handed me the package of some cheez-its.

"Yeah, sorry Punz." I handed her back the box. "Dang it!" Punzie cursed, but her eyes widen when a boy with white hair passed. "Hey you!" Punzie screamed.

The boy stopped dead in his tracks. "Come on over." I invited him. The boy turned around and came to our table, sitting down on one of the three empty seats.

"Why haven't I seen you?" Punzie leaned forward. "I'm new.." The boy whispered shyly. "I'm Anna, This is Punzie and that's Elsa." Anna said confidently.

"I'm Jack, Jack Frost."

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