Chapter 2: The Entrance Exam

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A/n: I only have the Spanish version of the show so I'll have to translate myself...

Y/n: 'Alright, just calm down, and walk'

These were the thoughts of the young boy as he stood in front of the infamous UA academy, the girls around him looked at him in confusion as he stood there.

People walked to the door as a sign said, UA Entrance Exam.

He walked in feeling nervous about all the stares he was getting and murmurs he could hear due to his enhanced hearing. He stopped and looked up and looked one last time to ensure what was happening was real.

Katsumi: Get out my way Breeder...

He was shoved away as he turned his head and saw Katsumi glaring at his with side eyes as she continued walking.

Girl: Is she the one with the slime monster?

Girl2: Yeah, I think she is...

Y/n: 'At least they don't recognize me...'

He felt something in his gut as he swung his arm just in time to catch a girl from falling. He looked surprised himself and looked down to see who he caught. It was Izumi.

Izumi freaked out as she looked in front of her to see the floor very close to her face. You help her up to her feet.

???: oh, I was late...

He looked to she a brunette girl with a bowl like hair as she looked at the green haired girl dusting herself off in embarrassment.

Izumi: T-thank you kind- y/n?

???: Y/n? Isn't that a boy name-

The girl looked at your face in shock as her cheeks turned red.

Y/n: H-hi?

You waved your hand as you feel your face heat up.

Computer: Body temperature rising. Cooling system activated.

Your cheeks stopped blushing as soon as they appeared. You quickly dash off to the entrance unable to bear the embarrassment.




???: Huh, tough crowd, we'll today, I'll explain to you the entrance exam rules, ARE YOU READY?


Y/n: That's present Mic, she is louder than the radio...

Next to you, a murmuring Izumi was covering her mouth in excitement as she was fan-girling over the hero in front of them.

Katsumi: Shut up...

Mic: Like the Paper said! You will participate in a fake city for combat for 10 minutes! After the presentation, you will go to designated cities!

Katsumi: So in other words, they won't let us team up with our friends?

She said as she took a quick glance at you looking at the information of the small paper In your hand.

Izumi: It's true, even though our numbers are consecutive, they won't let us be in the same battlefield.

Katsumi: Tch, I won't be able to crush you...

Mic: There are three different types of enemies in this exam, you will have points for each robot you destroy depending on the difficulty level of each robot.

The screen showed black outlines of robot shapes with each having either 1, 2, or 3 on each on of them.

Mic: Your goal is to use your quirks to destroy each fake villain to earn enough points. Of course, attacking your fellow companions or doing any villainous action is prohibited-

You are Terminated (Female MHA x Male reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora