Chapter 13: Tch, tch, tch, tch, tch...

Start from the beginning

With that said, I backed away from Benimaru, giving a chance to Hakuro to approach him. They exchanged a few words I decided to ignore, and then Hakura helped Benimaru stand up from his weakened position.

"...Are you sure?" Ciel called out to me as I was about to prompt everyone to leave.

"...Yeah. revealing our hand right now would only call for unwanted attention and danger for Reili and us."

"...I understand." Ciel sounded weird, with her usual intonation. She seemed to read the mood and avoided using any of her usual quirks.

Suddenly, it began raining.

What a depressing night, to be honest. First Luminous and now this, why can't they let us alone, I wonder?

After that, we returned to the Goblin Village along with Benimaru and Hakuro.


After we arrived, the depressed Benimaru was taken away by Hakuro to rest along with the rest of the ogre survivors.

Ciel and I, meanwhile, returned to our home and laid down on the bed side by side. Reili, who had been sleeping in her room in the [Imaginary Space] this entire time, got retrieved by Ciel and was gently placed in between us.

And we just stayed there. Ciel and I both stared at the ceiling while being unable to sleep, just as we did in Dwargon.

Ciel? I began a conversation through [Thought Communication].

Yes? She replied.

...You know, up until tonight, I really hadn't realized just how much power we hold in our hands.

... Ciel remained silent.

Like, I knew we were strong and all that, but being strong and holding the authority that we do are two completely different things.

...Yeah, that's true. It is not as with Guy Crimson, who despite being very strong, holds no authority over this world. Ciel seemed to understand what I was trying ti say.

...Yeah. If we wanted to, we could quite literally change this world however we like. I answered back, sadly. It was possible to do so with the authority I got from Veldanava, and the several unreasonable skills I hold.

...You're thinking about what happened at the ogre village, right? Ciel was able to understand where I was coming from.

...If I wanted to, I could make all of those ogres come back... because I have the power to do so.

... Ciel said nothing.

But even so... I didn't do anything. I clenched my fists under the bedsheets. What is the point of holding so much power, if I can't use it to help those that need it?

...You did nothing wrong, darling. Ciel turned to look at me. You held back because you knew the consequences using those skills would bring.

I know, but... it's just too much to carry with such a responsibility. It is heavy; this amount of power and authority is just too big for a single individual to hold.

Darling, if you are burdened by the power you have, then I will share that burden with you. If you decide to use that power, I will be there and carry the consequences of using it with you. If you decide to hold back from using it like earlier tonight, I will accept that guilt you hold and share it with you; because that is my job, as your wife.

Ciel took my hand in hers as she spoke.

......I see.

That's why, it's okay to depend on me whenever you need it. You're not alone in this world.

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