•part 6•

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•Jessica's POV•

Last night was amazing. Even though he ruined the painting for me,he paid it back pretty quickly...

"Jess?" The door opened and in walks Shawn. I'm only wearing a hoodie and sweatpants as I didn't expect guests but oh well.

"In here!" I call out for him. I'm making pancakes since it's one of my cravings these days. They're so delicious all of a sudden!

"I uhm,really need to speak to you." I turn around and take a look at Shawn.

Something's happened. I can see it on him. I pause with everything I'm doing and turn to him,all my attention on him.

"Jessica?" Lazar comes down from the stairs newly awake. He looks between me and Shawn. Both me and Shawn looks at him,then both me and Lazar looks at him.

"I don't know how to tell you this..."

Oh no,I can't breathe. What is it? Tell me already!!

"It's about Stephen..." Shawn doesn't even look in our eyes. Only on the floor,as he's fiddling with his fingers. He takes a deep breath and looks up,at us. Lazar now standing behind me,his hands on my shoulders.

"He's in the hospital. He got shot tonight,and we're on it right now." Tears are spilling out of my eyes.

"NO!!" I collapse on the floor,Lazar behind me trying to make sure I'm not hurting myself.

"Shhh..." He tries to comfort me but I can't listen to a word he says. My brother...

"He's alive Jess! And stable. But he's in a coma for now and the doctors don't know how long it could gake before he wakes up...if he wakes up." Those last words broke me. I couldn't help but to shake and almost puke. Everything I fear in life is to lose someone I love. And in this case,my brother.

"Why didn't you call me?!" Lazar stands up,walking closer to Shawn. He picks his hands up in a defense action and looks at Lazar with wide eyes.

"Bennet told me we could wait until this morning!" He said,defending himself. I rise from the floor and walks towards them too,placing my hands on Lazar's shoulders.

"It's okey Lazar," I sniff. "Thank you Shawn,but I think we need to go and see him now. Please take the rest of the day off. You and the men deserve it." I say and give him a small hug. Lazar looks at me shocked. Shawn leaves and now it's just me and Lazar. Silence is filling the whole kitchen but it's not a bad silence,it's just silence,peaceful.

"I'm so sorry baby..." Lazar kisses my cheek and pull me into his warm embrace. "We will find this son of a bitch,I'll kill him with my bare hands. I promise you. I got you..." He holds me close,like he's afraid that I'll be gone. I snuggle into his chest and wrap my arms around him.

Hell of an morning...


Two weeks has passed and Stephen is good. He's woken up a few times but only for a second and then they had to put him in a coma again. Apparently he needs some more time to heal. He was shot in the chest and on the side of his head,and now he has a scar on the side of his head. But thank god,it only grazed his skin...but not the bullet in his chest.

"Mrs.Brazier?" I looked up from my phone and followed the woman who was going to lead me into a room. I'm going to find Cassandra Jensen. Our biological mother.

"Mr.Kovash will be here anyminute." She says before she closes the door. The room is like a usual little office. Book shelves,big windows, a desk and two chairs. I sit down on the chair that's facing the other one. And only seconds after the door opens again. In walks a big man,that I'm guessing is Mr.Kovasch. He has black thin hair,looks to be in his mid 50s since the wrinkles on his forhead isn't too sharp but somewhere in between.

"Good day mrs.Brazier." He says and sits down on the chair facing me. I say the same and he gives me a smile.

"I've talked to tour husband,Leo,no...Lalo? What's the boys name?" He mumbles. I let out a small chuckle at his short mind.

"Lazar." I correct. He looks at me and nods.

"Yeah! A special name. Isn't he british?" He asks.

"Yes he is. But his mother saw that name in a magazine when she was 14. It was about 'the top 10 hottest men in the world'. And since that day she was determined that she was going to name her son after it." I tell him. Ella told me that just months after me and Lazar began to date,and I thought that it was pretty cute!

He nods his head intrested and smile.

"Hmm,well it's a very uniqe name,for sure. But that's not the reason you're here today. A few weeks ago you called me and said that you wanted to find your biological mother,Cassandra Jensen?" He pulled out some papers from a box.

"This is everything we found about her but Jessica..." He looks into my eyes and I look into his,waiting for him to speak. He looks serious now.

"This woman wasn't easy to find. And I can't promise you that she want to be found either. Please,for your own,your husbands and your babies sake,be careful. I've had hard times before with cases like this,but this..." he put his fingers on the bold letters on the papers. Her name on it,

"This is something else." He gives me a warning look and I gulp. I rise from the chair and takes the papers in my hand.

"Thank you mr.Kovasch. And yes,I promise I will be careful. Thank you very much." I walk out from the room. The papers tight in my hand,afraid of losing them if I hold them any lighter.


I knock on the door to the big mansion I know the mafia is. The door opens,a guard I've never seen before stands. As I try to walk inside he puts his hand on my chest,stopping me from walking inside. I clear my throat.

Who the fuck does he think he is?! Does he know who I am? Apparently not!

"Hey! Listen,I'm married to the boss. So if I were you I would never touch me again. I don't need my husband to break your fingers!" I snap.

Holy shit these pregnancy hormones isn't a joke...

The man looks at me with wide eyes,"sorry ma'am!" He quickly put his hand away and let me pass. I give him a death stare before I walk inside.

"Attention!" I call out. Everyone is looking at me with shock in their eyes. I'm not used to this much attention and since it's over 50 men in here,minimum it all makes it a little worse...

I have the papers in my hand with all the information on it. I put my hand above my head with them in it.

"Hell will break lose once we've read these papers...I'm soing this for Stephen. And if anyone wants to argue-" I point up the stairs where Lazar's office is in this mansion,"-You all know where my husbands office is. Now...GET TO WORK!"


I thought that it's time for Jessica to show what she got😉


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