My eyes widened as I struggled against his larger form, slapping my fist into the side of his face as I tried to force him off of me. "No! No, no!" I shouted through gasping sobs as I couldn't pull away from his salivating mouth. He continued to trap me with my imprisoned hair as I screamed and kicked my legs viciously. With my free hand, I voraciously tugged as his short brown hair to release his lips from my skin that he was now harming with his teeth.

Before I could push myself away, he raised me by my neck and mercilessly slammed my back onto the ground, knocking the air from my lungs and stunning me momentarily. My vision was foggy as I quietly pleaded for him to stop. Everything was blurry as I slowly blinked, seeing double and hearing distant laughs and grunting sounds from the man hovering over me.

He still gripped my hair, but had reached down to my trembling legs, separating my knees and forcefully spreading them apart. I shook my head as he positioned himself in the now open space, resuming to mutilate the sensitive skin of my neck and inserting his hand beneath the hem of my shirt.

My pleads were ignored and my cries devolved into whimpers as the four men surrounded around me and only observed my struggles with snickering and despicable smirks of pleasure.

A sudden and familiar melodic trill caught my attention, and I craned my neck backwards to peer at the alley upside down. My quivering lips parted as my breathing began to increase with a new hope. "BB..." I whispered, noticing my droid rapidly zigzag down the alley indignantly. "BB!" I screamed as he frantically beeped in concern, also catching the attention of the men standing near me.

"Deal with it." The man commanded to his minions,  snarling as he released the stinging skin of my neck from his teeth. "This won't take long." He whispered, violently pulling my hair and knocking my necklace away from my cleavage to give him access.

BB-8 squealed louder than I had heard him ever before, angrily circling the men that attempted to chase him with objects they had armed themselves with that were once laying idle in the alley as pieces of discarded scrap metal.

"(Y/N)!" My name was being distantly shouted, a heavenly beckoning towards the light, completely opposite of the darkness that hovered over me in threatening intimidation. Tears spilled from my eyes as I recognized that baritone voice, the sweet and honeyed voice that I adored and cherished deeply.

The voice that I loved, especially when he said my name.

He had returned for me.

"Poe!" I shouted in return, hearing two pairs of frantic footsteps at the entrance to the alleyway behind me. I forced my head backwards, despite the incessant tugging, to finally rest my eyes on my pilot that was bolting down the alley to reach me.

"He's too late." The man sneered as he gripped my chin and lowered his face to mine. His venomous lips were mere inches from entrapping my own, trying to abduct my kiss that was only ever intended for my one true love. His steamy breath hit my cheek as I turned my face away, crying against his prying fingers.

My first kiss was meant for Poe Dameron, and no one would ever steal it from me.

I gritted my teeth and ignored the ringing in my ears as I felt a surge of energy pulse through me unfamiliarly and forcefully, charging the atmosphere around me.

A moment passed, leaving me temporarily unconscious and unmoving on the cobblestone. Upon opening my eyes, I inhaled deeply as the man's crushing weight had suddenly departed from me, leaving me gasping for air at my newfound liberty.

The stars above me shone diligently as I attempted to recall the seconds that I had lost unwillingly and the strange sensation pulsing through my veins. Muffled sounds permeated around me and I flinched at hearing approaching footsteps. I closed my still crying eyes and cowered, lifting my hand before me and shaking fearfully. "P-Please don't touch me... Don't touch me again..." I begged, turning my head away from the figure that was rapidly kneeling to meet me.

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