"You're a fucking demon, you literally didn't know anything about this beforehand, and now you think you can just say that?"

Riot laughed.

"Should I tie you up, Carlton?"

Carlton stopped.

"What?" he squeaked.

"It would make this more enjoyable for us, don't you think?"

"No, I—" He was suddenly cut off when two of Riot's tentacles curled around his wrists, pinning them to the couch.

"I love how your little heart pounds when I do this..." Riot smiled. "It's so cute..."

"No, it's not, now please let me go," Carlton stated, not even attempting to struggle.

Riot canted his head to the side, pretending to think.

"Hmm. I don't think so," he rumbled.

"You think you know everything, don't you? Well, let me tell you something, buddy. I don't know what you're trying to do right now, but I want you to stop."

"Why should I? You obviously enjoy this....I can tell..."

"Yeah, but there's something called consent," Carlton muttered. "Have you ever heard about that before?"

"No. Not until now. Tell me. What is it?" Riot wondered curiously.

"Well...consent is asking someone permission to do anything, like making sure to ask before grabbing someone's item from their hand or tying their hands together," Carlton said, looking at the pulsing, Mercury-colored tentacle wrapped snugly around his right wrist.

"That's consent? Asking before doing something?" Riot snorted, unamused.

"Not all of it," Carlton said hurriedly. "Also making sure that the person is also okay with what you're doing."

"Oh, I see. You're just trying to get me off of you," Riot grinned.

"I'm explaining what you so desperately wanted to learn about," Carlton sighed. "Now if you don't like it, then that's your fault."

"I don't but I don't think you necessarily want me to let you go either," Riot said way too smugly. And then the tentacles tightened .

Carlton bit his lip and whimpered.

"See? You like this... " Riot replied quietly.

"B-but you didn't ask me first," Carlton said.

"Hmm, fine. May I continue to touch you?" Riot's voice seemed even more deep and soft than before and it went right straight to Carlton's dick.

"N-no," he muttered, looking away. "Maybe next time, though," he added quickly at Riot's displeased growl. "And only if I say so."

"Since when did you become the smart one?" Riot huffed but he loosened Carlton's wrists and pulled back.

"It's just common courtesy, humans use it a lot in their lives," Carlton explained, thankfully rubbing his freed wrists. The grip hadn't hurt or had been tight at all, he just felt the need to touch them himself.

"Hmphf," Ruot grunted. "I am not a human."

"Yes, but I am." Carlton muttered and got up off the couch. "Can....can I have my drink back, please?"

"Of course." Riot handed it back to him and Carlton took it gratefully. His heart beat rapidly as his fingers brushed up against those large, strong gray ones. Those claws on the end....

Demon Riot and Carlton DrakeWhere stories live. Discover now