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Talia sat at a table in the dining hall, staring into her breakfast blankly, the memories from the night before on a constant loop behind her eyes.

The horrible screams, her shadows swallowing it, smothering it long enough for Dowling to knock it out.

It was an awful experience, yet somehow Talia felt... good.

She felt empowered, like she could handle anything.

That high had come crashing down when she awoke that morning- Riven already gone from her room -and remembered, today was the day the whole school would shun her.

She pushed the eggs around her plate with a sigh.

She didn't need much food to survive, but her aunt scolded her when she didn't eat, saying it unnerved people.

So she stomached what she could.

"First day nerves?"

She looked up to see Riven settling himself down across from her, forking a large bite of eggs and hash browns into his mouth.

"You have no idea."

She said plainly, eyeing Sky as he sat down next to Riven.

"This is the girl, the one with the mysterious healing powers."

Riven told Sky, pointing his fork at Talia.

She shifted uncomfortably under the blond boys gaze, only meeting his eyes for a second.

"I know who she is. Nice to formally meet you, Stella's told me about you."

Sky said nodding to her with a friendly smile.

Talia groaned.

"Oh, I'm sure she said all good things."

Sky chuckled at her reaction, as Riven connected the dots.

"You're that psychos-"

Sky sent Riven a sharp look.

"-Stella's cousin?"

Riven saved, giving her a once over as if he hadn't met her before.


She said blankly.

"Duchess Talia of Solaria."

She said in a fake grand tone, bowing her head mockingly.

The group chuckled collectively.

"So you're Riven's roommate, meaning the ex in your room last night was..."


Sky admitted uncomfortably, scratching his neck, and looking around as if someone was listening.

Riven gave Sky a judging look.

"I didn't sleep with her."

Sky elaborated defensively, annoyedly stuffing a bite of his own food into his mouth.

"Whatever mate, all I know is I saw you shirtless and familiar blonde hair and I scrammed."

Talia felt awkward witnessing their exchange, staring once again at her food.

Her mood shifted as she saw Stella approaching, she noticed Sky tense up as well, obviously still quite guarded around his ex.

Stella scooted into their table next to Sky, making Talia feel like a weird loner across from everyone.

She had an apple in her hands but didn't seem fixed to eat it any time soon.

"Talia, Riven, could you give us a moment?"

"I think I'm fine where I am."

Riven scoffed, rolling his eyes at the princess.

Sky gave him a pleading look, and he scoffed again, rising from his seat, and shooting Talia a "can you believe this?" look.

Stella gave Talia a pointed look as he walked away.


She responded with a shrug.

"You know I'll just listen."

Stella gave one of her notorious eye rolls, but conceded.

"We have a problem."

I hope you guys like it! Utterly disappointed in the cancellation of this show but I'm gonna take this story as far as my creativeness can get me.

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