I won't come back

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Kirstie pov
I was at the hospital. I just had my little girl. Her name is Isabella Jane Grassi. I really wanted Mitch to be here but he is to busy with his girlfriend. I want to tell him that the baby was finally born. I was going to be released out of the hospital in 2 days. I can't wait to get out of here.

2 days later

I was released as I was on my way out. I saw doctors carrying someone down the hall. They were saying a woman was in in this really bad car accident and she hit her head. It was bloody. A guy was telling her to fight this. Then they took her into the emergency room. They didn't let him in. The guy turned and it was...........


He looked at me and Isabella. I walked away . Then at the door he grabbed my arm."Kirstie " I didn't want to turn around or talk to him. " what" "she was born" "yeah and why would you care" "I care because I love you and her" "no you don't so let me go " "she is my li-" "little angel" he said. "Leave and don't come back"

" I won't come back just know that I love you and our little girl" he turned and left.
You won't come back
I decided to go home I want him back . I need him. I got home and lay Isabella down. I suddenly got a call
Are you Kirstie Maldonado
Are you familiar to Mitch Grassi
Yes what happen
Mitch was in a car accident

I hung up and fell to my knees. I cried . i got Isabella and went to the car I drove their as fast as I could. I took Isabella out and went to the door " Kirstie Maldonado here for Mitch Grassi " "you have to wait out he is currently in the emergency room" "please let me see him" "miss calm down" I walked and waited holding Isabella " daddy will be fine baby girl" she smiled which made me smiled."miss Maldonado " "yes" I got up holding Isabella "is she your daughter " "yes me and Mitch daughter " he looked worried. He was going to me something i didn't want to here" Mitch Grassi is an a coma, I'm sorry " I went to his room and saw him. This was all my fault. When he said he won't come back is this what he meant.
Sorry for making it sad but what can I do.
Love you❤️❤️❤️

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