Imagine 'the wall' with Jon

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It was dark and freezing. Well the wall was made of snow and ice, what do you expect?

Jon and you were acquaintance's, only bumped into each other a few times around castle black.

The men of the nights watch always gave you filthy looks because obviously you were a girl. But you weren't into sewing, singing songs and such. You actually loved fighting. But these men didn't really see it that way.

You wore layers and layers of warm clothing which were all black (you had to fit in somehow) and your hair braided into a loose plait at the side.

You sit on your temporary bed just thinking where to go. You couldn't stay here much longer. God knows what those men would do to you.

You grab a few supplies, food, water and weapons and head for the door. You try to be as quiet as you could. There was only a couple of men on watch. Today was surprisingly a peaceful day. You creep to the big gate and go to pull the lever down.

"You only just got here, my lady" a husky, deep, voice spoke to you.

"I know, but I need to go. You have job to serve my lord, I, do not" you let go of the lever and turn to Jon.

Jon reached out his hand waiting for you to take it.

"Can I show you something before you go?" He asked politely.

"I hardly know you, for what I know you could ki-"

"Trust me"

You drop the supplies and took his hand and he guided you to the lift that took you up to the wall.

As you reach the top you step towards the edge and look out. The view was beautiful. Almost like you could see everything. The breeze was cold but it blew through your hair. Now you trusted Jon. The stars shine bright across the night sky.

"It is beautiful." You said looking up towards the sky.

Jon gently pulled you face away from the sky and you met eyes.

"But not as beautiful as you" he smiled and kissed your lips.

*fangirls* sorreehhhh that was kind of cheesy but what iffff ugh. I wish xD I have a few ideas and thank you for 100+ views on my last one :3 it means a lot since I just started!

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