Scratch the Ghost Blob (chapter 9: the Final Rampage)

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As a ghost, it didn't take Scratch long to fly him and Molly down the road to the point when they caught up to the van. But by the time they did, everyone in the van was gone! Using his invisibility powers, Scratch made himself invisible while keeping a firm, gentle grip on Molly as they took a look around. From within Scratch's ghostly hug, Molly looked at the logo for the building, which was hanging above the large double-doors. She had to clasp her hands over her mouth to keep from gasping. "What is it, Moll?" Scratch asked, he had overheard Molly's gasp. "That logo," Molly whispered, "It's from the company that created the 'X'-Vitamins! This must be where the bad guys are keeping everybody!" Scratch flew Molly up over the building and Molly let off yet another gasp! "Scratch, look! Down there!" Molly exclaimed as she pointed at a glass dome. Scratch looked through the glass and saw what Molly was seeing. Libby, Darryl and Mr. Case were all each tied to a chair, and they appeared to still be knocked out. "You were right, kiddo," Scratch whispered, " Looks like they're okay. You know, other than being unconscious and stuff..." Before Molly could reply, she overheard voices; and they couldn't have come from anyone in their party, so the voices must have come from, "the baddies!" Molly hushed. Without the need to say another word, Scratch flew away from the glass dome so they couldn't be seen. After a moment, Molly peaked her head over the glass dome just enough for her to see. She looked down and saw that the people talking were indeed Mr. Carbine and his goons. "Scratch," Molly whispered. Scratch floated down so that his belly was touching the roof, practically soaking it in his ectoplasm in the process. "Can you go down there and see what they're up to?" Scratch gave a nod, along with a devious smirk before he vanished through the roof. Once he was within the building, Scratch realized that it must have been a good forty or so feet from the floor to the ceiling; because his body was completely inside the building, but he wasn't touching either the floor or the ceiling. He looked down and saw that he was a mere two feet away from the bad guys. He floated backwards so that he couldn't accidentally gunk them in ectoplasm. He didn't wanna get caught spying that easily. "So, how are we gonna get the ghost blob, boss?" the lanky twin bad guy asked. "Ghost blob?" Scratch questioned himself, "Is that what they're calling me? I kinda like it!"  Scratch hummed to himself, amused by his new nickname. Just before either of the twins could ask any more questions, Mr. Carbine yanked a tarp off of a very large piece of machinery. It looked like a very large test tube! It stood from the floor, reaching all the way up to the ceiling! "This, is now we're going to capture it, boys!" Mr. Carbine announced, "the Vitamin Vac! This baby will suck up that 'ghost blob,' toss it in here, and from there, we can figure out how to get our vitamin specimens back!" "How are we going to lure it here?" the larger twin asked, "Simple, boys," Mr. Carbine stated, "We'll offer it something it's been after the entire night!" With that. Mr. Carbine went over to a truck that was parked right behind a parking garage door and motioned for the twins to come look in the truck. The twins did as they were told, and they looked inside the crates that were piled up in the back. "Food?" asked Larry, the lanky twin, "Yes, food," Mr. Carbine stated. Inside the crates were fruits, veggies, sweets etc. "I've noticed that our blob has an enormous case of hunger..." Mr. Carbine explained, Scratch's mouth began to water at the sight of all that food. "AND the more he eats, the bigger he seems to get. So, we're gonna lure him back here with all these goodies. We lure him into the warehouse and... WHAM!" Mr. Carbine slaps his hands together, sending a loud clap echoing through the building. "We've got him!" Scratch's hands were twitching, itching to reach over and grab some of those crates, if not all of them. But he managed to pull himself together and phase back through the ceiling before he could have a chance at snapping and giving himself away in his hunger fits. 

Scratch had to keep telling himself to focus as he told Molly about the bad guys' next moves. "Do we know what they're going to do with everyone?" Molly asked worriedly, "They didn't say," Scratch explained. "I didn't exactly have enough time to wait for them to say something," Molly noticed the corner of Scratch's mouth was drooling. "Did they have food with them?" Molly sighed, and Scratch heaved a sigh in return, "Yes..." Scratch said softly, so as not to draw attention to either of them, "Molly, what are we going to do? I just about lost it when I saw all that good looking food! And that machine will suck me right up if I get anywhere near it!" "We'll think of something!" Molly assured in the sunny, silver-lining way that only she knew how to do. "Boss," Molly and Scratch overheard, "what if the ghost blob has already found something to eat? What if he gets bigger?" Molly's head swiveled left and right until she saw a vent. She pounced on it, realizing that the bad guys could be heard through it! The baddies were just barely audible, but they were heard from the rooftop! Molly motioned for Scratch to listen in with her, and he obliged without question. "We'd better hope not," Molly overheard Mr. carbine say, "If the slime capacity of the ghost blob-" "Wait, ghost blob?" Molly questioned, she looked up at Scratch, who shrugged, "That's what they're calling me. Apparently, they think I'm some sort of slime monster. Which I guess, when you think about, it's really for the be-" "shhh!" Molly hushed. Scratch scoffed, "Don't be shushing me! You started talking first, Mcgee!" Scratch thought with a small smirk, "is greater that what the vitamin vac tube can hold, the ghost blob could end up bursting the tube. If that happened, well, let's just say it wouldn't be too good for us," It was then that Molly got an idea, a very bad, devious and quite frankly, an uncharacteristic idea. A large, ghost-like grin stretched along Molly's face, Scratch noticed, "Whatcha thinking this time, Mcgee?" Scratch asked with a smug grin, knowing all too well that Molly had a scheme up her sleeve. One that Scratch was gonna absolutely LOVE or absolute HATE. "They said that if you're too big, the machine won't be able to capture you!" Molly exclaimed in a whispered voice, "So?" Scratch asked, crossing his arms over his chest as he floated in mid-air. "SO we make you BIGGER!" That sent Scratch's eyes nearly popping out of their sockets, literally! "WHAT?! MOLLY I thought we were trying to AVOID making me an even bigger giant!" "That was different!" Molly tried to explain, "Oh yeah? How so?" Scratch asked, keeping his arms crossed, "Because last time, you were eating out of pure hunger and greed! This time, you'd be eating out of hunger and out of self-defense! Think about it! If you're too big for them to capture, we'll be able to rescue the gang easily!" Scratch opened his mouth to object, but he closed it back once he realized that Molly had a point. He was hungry. And he was curious to see how big of a giant he could become. If you asked him today why he was curious about such a thing, he couldn't tell you if he wanted to. What he did know was that Molly was right. If this was what he needed to do to save Molly's friends...his friends, (excluding Mr. Case, cause he barely knew the guy) then that was what he was going to do! As if on que, Scratch's stomach growled lowly, begging to be filled again. Scratch patted his tummy, "Okay, so let's say I'm interested in your scheme?" Scratch said, "Where are we gonna find enough food for me to eat to help me grow enough?" Molly propped her chin on her hand and tried to think. Then, she finally took a good look around at just how big the 'X'-vitamin complex was. It seemed to stretch out over a good length of field. Just then, she saw a silo which was labeled, "food for experimentation. 'Warning, this food has not yet been tested on by our products whatsoever. Once tested on, DO NOT put it back in the silo!" Molly's grin stretched, "Scratchy," Molly whispered. She turned and looked up at her giant ghostly pal, "I think we just found your next meal!" And Scratch returned the devious grin right back at her. 

Scratch the Ghost Blob (The Ghost and Molly Mcgee)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz