Chapter 22 - Aftermath

Start from the beginning

 Testarossa and Viole nodded and teleported away. We walked to the temple and when we reached it, I was met with some familiar faces.

"Mjurran? Pirone? What are you doing here?" The two looked surprised as well, as they rushed toward me.

"Kumara?! You are alive? We thought you were dead when Clayman didn't come back from the walprugis." (Mjurran)

"Yeah! Do you know how much I was disappointed at the thought of not being able to touch that soft fur of yo- I mean, I was worried about you." (Pirone)

 Though I was bothered by what Pirone said, I just ignored it and explained to them what happened at the walprugis and after that.

"So those two standing over there are your new parents who saved you?" (Mjurran)

"And that your father is the true dragon?" (Pirone)

 I must say, these two matches very well. What a surprise that I've never noticed it before.

"Yep. All of them are true. By the way, where is Yamza and Adalman?" (Kumara)

"Yamza is dead and as for Adalman..." Mjurran said as she looked over my head.

I turned around to see Adalman kneeling in front of my dad as if he was worshipping a god. Dad looked like he had given up asking as he looked uneasily at the hoard of undead in front of him.

"I see. Dad will have a lot to take care of now." (Kumara)

"Umm, Kumara. Can I ask you something?" Pirone suddenly said. I was a bit worried by the hesitation, but told her to continue.

"Weren't you like... 300 years old? I mean shouldn't you be a bit bigger than-" Pirone stopped talking as she met my gaze glaring at her.

 I saw Mjurran quietly move away at the corner of my eyes, but she wasn't my concern now.

"Pirone, would you mind repeating what you just said?" I said with a cold smile which I learned from mom and aunt Velzard. Judging by Pirone's reaction it was working great.

"I- I mean, you look great in that form! Very cute too." (Pirone)

"Really? Thanks Pirone." I said as I stopped glaring at her. Pirone let out a sigh of relief. She should learn some manner, otherwise she won't last long.

"Like Pirone said, I am more than 300 years old. But I can turn into whatever age I want and I really like this one." I explained to them since I'm a kind person. Pirone should feel grateful that I let her get away with that.

"By the way, what are you guys doing here?" (Kumara)

"We were defeated by your father's subordinates and surrendered. We are now waiting for what they will do to us." (Mjurran)

"Your father won't chop off our heads, right? I mean, we surrendered as they told." Pirone said in a worried voice. Just what does she think my father is? A monster?

"Of course he won't! He's not a cruel person like that!" (Kumara)

"Kumara-chan, come over here." Mom called me over, so I said good bye to them and went to her.

 When I reached them, dad was talking with the kijins while mom was looking at them at his side.

"Oh, Kumara-chan. You're here. Guys, this is my daughter, Kumara." Dad introduced me to them once he saw me. They all greeted me warmly and some even bowed which was a bit awkward.

"Kumara-chan, we'll be staying here for a couple of days and then we'll go to the forest, okay?" Mom said to me after the greetings were done. I have never been to forest before, so I was excited at the thought of visiting that place.

"Yes, mom!" I replied excitedly, making mom smile.

"Let's go back to the temple until Testarossa and Ultima comes back." Mom said and we walked away toward the temple, feeling happy and safe.

Meanwhile at Dwargon...

 The night assassin Henrietta almost got a heart attack when somebody tapped her on the shoulder. She wouldn't have been surprised at all if it was usual as she could sense them. However this time was different. She couldn't detect anything from the unknown figure

 She instantly drew out her sword, but it shattered into pieces before it even reached its target. Hiding her surprise, she jumped away, only to face a white haired woman with bewitching crimson eyes.

"Would you mind bringing me to King Gazel? I have a message from my lord." Testarossa said, not even blinking as she destroyed a few knives that Henrietta threw at her.

"Like I would do that to an intruder!" Henrietta's instinct was screaming that this was an unbeatable enemy, but she charged at her opponent with a knife in her hand.

"My, you don't have to be so aggressive. My lord told me not to kill anyone or destroy anything, so there's no need to overreact." Testarossa said with an amused look as she moved to the back of Henrietta in a speed that she couldn't even think of noticing.

"It seems that you're not willing to escort me. That's fine. I didn't really need that in the first place." With that, Testarossa disappeared from the scene, leaving Henrietta dumbfounded.

 It didn't take long for her to snap out of her trance, and once she did, she rushed to the king Gazel's office, only to find him safe with a dumbfounded look on his face and a white envelope in his hand.

 Thinking that she has to take some rest just for a short while, she left the office after bowing to the king and went back to her work with complicated mind.


Hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter.

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