Chapter 22: New year's part 3

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" I hate you." She muttered while opening the bakery doors.

" Hey Ruhi." The bakery owner greeted her who was a middle aged woman.

" Hey Mrs. Kamal. What's up?"

" Down for some new ones?"

" Are you saying you tried a new cake." Ruhi said while standing in front of her.

" Cup cakes."

" Really? Which one?"  She asked enthusiastically.

" First tell me. Who's this guy?" She asked nodding to Advik standing beside her.

" Nobody."

" Nobody?" He asked disappointed.

" Yeah nobody. You just told me to not care about you so nobody." She said again looking at her.

" Now tell me which cupcakes?" She asked to the owner. She placed a tray of cup caked in front of her.

" Vanilla cupcakes."

" Oh Vanilla? I love them." Advik said while looking at them.

" I will buy them Rudra likes them." She said looking around. Advik sighed and turned to Ruhi.

" Please? Pretty please?"

" That doesn't affect me."

" Well, does anything ever affect you?"

" Nah! Nothing!"

" Ruhi please!" he again whined.

" Why are you so angry on the little child?" The owner asked

" Him? Child? Yeah you're right. Do you know what he did. He was spending rumours that I was lesbian in our whole school."The owner bursted out laughing while Ruhi was standing there with a scowl.

" Yeah because you told everybody I was dating that whatever her name was."

" It was just fun."

" It was just fun." He mimicked her.

" You both are little kids. Feed each other this and make up. On the house" The owner said giving them both the cupcake.

" I don't want to make up, I hate him." Ruhi said eating them herself.

" Please? I am genuinely very sorry for spreading rumour. Please?" He said while taking the cupcake and looking at her. She looked at him with narrowed eyes.

" Okay."

" Okay?" He looked suprised

" Not okay?"

" No okay." He said feeding her the cupcake. She smiled at him and again his heart melted at that cheeky smile. From then, Vanilla cupcakes became their device to make up with eachother when angry.

Present day:
Ruhi Singhania:

" Advik stop it."

" What? What am I doing?"

" Just stop staring at me. " I couldn't help the smile that was already creeping on my lips. He looked away and cleared his throat.

" But I like looking at your beautiful face." He said with a smirk.

" I am literally saying this Ruhi, that man is raising my standards too high. He is so cute. You both are so lucky to have each other." Vrinda said who was sitting beside me.

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